Personal information
May 2008 Graduate student Department of Mathematics of National Kapodistrian University of Athens. (
06/2011 Master Thesis in Computational Mathematics, entitled: " Finite difference method for two point problems " (Written in LaTeX – Presentation in Beamer). It was presented and approved unanimously on 21/06/2011 while a three-member examination committee comprised by
Professor Vassilios Dougalis (Advisor) , Professor Ioannis Stratis, Assist. Professor Drakopoulos Michael Mathematic department of Athens University.
2020 Phd in Applied Mathematics
National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A.)
School of Applied and Physical sciences
Department of Mathematics
titled “The discontinuous Galerkin method for systems of nonlinear parabolic PDEs and applications: stability and error estimates” Successfully defended my thesis before the committee of Prof. Konstantinos Chrysafinos (Advisor), Prof. Emmanouil Georgouli, Associate Prof. Vassilios Kokkini, Prof. Panagiotis Psarako, Associate Prof. George Smirli, Associate Prof. John Koletsos, Associate Prof. Karafyllis Jason
Programming knowledge - previous service
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Certificate for attending and examining courses with the extensive use of the programs: MATLAB, Java, C ++.
Using Freefem++ and Matlab during my P.h.D. studies
Teaching seminars in LaTeX, Linux using an interactive board for the School of Mathematics University of Athens (MATH123).
Use Matlab and Maxima during teaching in laboratories in the Department of Mathematics of National Technical University of Athens.
Foreign languages
Certificate of proficiency in English C2 (Proficiency)
2022 Publication in the special issue in honor of Prof. Max. Gunzburger "High order time stepping schemes for a predator-prey system", International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling with Chrysafinos Konstantinos Professor at National Technical University
2019 Publication in SIAM with title ‘Stability and Error Estimates of Fully discrete Scheme for the Brusselator System’ with Chrysafinos Konstantinos Professor at National Technical University, & E. Karatza Postdoctoral Researcher at Chalmers University of Technology.
2020 Publication titled ‘Numerical results for the predator prey system with Ivlev or Holling type II functional response using Galerkin approximations’
2019 In issue 11 of the magazine: Teachers on the spotlight (Publication of the scientific journal “Physics News”) publication entitled "The education of children with mild Mental Retardation for the purpose of smooth integration" (ISSN: 2241-1127) p. 48.
09/2012-12/2014 Research project of the National Technical University of Athens titled: “Numerical solutions of direct and inverse problems using the method of integral equation. Development of methodologies for dealing with ill condition integral equations.”
This project was granted by the special account for research of the National technical University of Athens under the license 65/184500.
Teaching experience
Laboratory volunteer at the National Kapodistrian of Athens (teaching LaTeX, Linux using interactive whiteboard 2013-2015 (MATH123).
Teaching annual seminars at the computer laboratories at central.ntua of the National Technical University of Athens during 2016-2019 and winter semester 2019-2020.
In computer laboratories I have taught as adjoint faculty the following courses
1. Software for Mathematics and Physics (Winter semesters)
2. Numerical Analysis II (Summer semesters)
During 1/10/21-11/02/22 I have taught the courses “Mathematics I” and “Mathematics IIΙ” at the department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of West Macedonia (autonomous teaching)
During the time period 2019-2022, I have been providing teaching of mathematics courses, creating and supporting eclass sites, correcting and grading of undergraduate students exams at the Mathematics department of the university of Athens, the mathematical sciences department of the national technical university of Athens and the University of West Macedonia (autonomous teaching) .
I have been teaching mathematics as an associate teacher in Greek public high schools from 2017 until present
Other activities
During the period 2009-2011, I have been elected as a Secretary of the postgraduate students association at the department of Mathematics, University of Athens. During my tenure, I was responsible for the organization of seminars that provided useful knowledge of mathematical tools like Matlab, Maxima, LaTeX, necessary for the successful projects completion of my fellow students, with the use of interactive blackboard.
Useful notes were also provided, advice and assistance to undergraduate students for their well-being in the university academic environment.
Active member of the chess club ΠΟΚΕΑΤΕΠ. Third prize at the panhellenic chess tournament 2012.