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Employment (1)

US Geological Survey: Reston, VA, US

2007-05 to present | Hydrologist
Source: Self-asserted source
Parker Norton

Education and qualifications (3)

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology: Rapid City, SD, US

2008 to 2016 | Doctor of Philosophy (Atmospheric and Environmental Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Parker Norton

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology: Rapid City, SD, US

2005 to 2008 | Master of Science (Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Parker Norton

Azusa Pacific University: Azusa, CA, US

1987-09 to 1992-05 | Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Parker Norton

Works (10)

Parameter estimation at the conterminous United States scale and streamflow routing enhancements for the National Hydrologic Model infrastructure application of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (NHM-PRMS)

2023 | Report
Contributors: Lauren E. Hay; Jacob H. LaFontaine; Ashley E. Van Beusekom; Parker A. Norton; William H. Farmer; R. Steve Regan; Steven L. Markstrom; Jesse E. Dickinson
Source: check_circle

Assessment of streamflow trends in the eastern Dakotas, water years 1960–2019

2022 | Report
Contributors: Parker A. Norton; Gregory C. Delzer; Joshua F. Valder; Wyatt S. Tatge; Karen R. Ryberg
Source: check_circle

Climate, streamflow, and lake-level trends in the Great Lakes Basin of the United States and Canada, water years 1960–2015

2019 | Report
Contributors: Parker A. Norton; Daniel G. Driscoll; Janet M. Carter
Source: check_circle

The U. S. Geological Survey National Hydrologic Model infrastructure: Rationale, description, and application of a watershed-scale model for the conterminous United States

Environmental Modelling & Software
2019-01 | Journal article
Contributors: R.S. Regan; K.E. Juracek; L.E. Hay; S.L. Markstrom; R.J. Viger; J.M. Driscoll; J.H. LaFontaine; P.A. Norton
Source: check_circle

Description of the National Hydrologic Model for use with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS)

2018 | Report
Contributors: R. Steven Regan; Steven L. Markstrom; Lauren E. Hay; Roland J. Viger; Parker A. Norton; Jessica M. Driscoll; Jacob H. LaFontaine
Source: check_circle

Modern (1992–2011) and projected (2012–99) peak snowpack and May–July runoff for the Fort Peck Lake and Lake Sakakawea watersheds in the Upper Missouri River Basin

2016 | Report
Contributors: John F. Stamm; Dennis Todey; Barbara Mayes Bousted; Shawn Rossi; Parker A. Norton; Janet M. Carter
Source: check_circle

Effects of projected climate (2011–50) on karst hydrology and species vulnerability—Edwards aquifer, south-central Texas, and Madison aquifer, western South Dakota

2014 | Report
Contributors: Barbara Mahler; John F. Stamm; Mary F. Poteet; Amy J. Symstad; MaryLynn Musgrove; Andrew J. Long; Parker A. Norton
Source: check_circle

Historical and projected climate (1901–2050) and hydrologic response of karst aquifers, and species vulnerability in south-central Texas and western South Dakota

2014 | Report
Contributors: John F. Stamm; Mary F. Poteet; Amy J. Symstad; MaryLynn Musgrove; Andrew J. Long; Barbara Mahler; Parker A. Norton
Source: check_circle

Trends in annual, seasonal, and monthly streamflow characteristics at 227 streamgages in the Missouri River watershed, water years 1960-2011

2014 | Report
Contributors: Parker A. Norton; Mark T. Anderson; John F. Stamm
Source: check_circle

Hydrologic characterization for Spring Creek and hydrologic budget and model scenarios for Sheridan Lake, South Dakota, 1962-2007

2009 | Report
Contributors: Daniel G. Driscoll; Parker A. Norton
Source: check_circle