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Judicial Politics, Public Law, Constitutional Law, Law & Society, American political institutions, Legitimacy & Approval of Courts
United States


Joshua Boston is an assistant professor in the Bowling Green State University political science department, where he researches and teaches classes on political institutions. His research—centering on questions of judicial politics—examines (1) the internal politics of courts, (2) how courts fit into separation of powers systems, and (3) the effect of legal institutions on the public. Josh's published work can be found in Journal of Law & Courts, Political Science Quarterly, Congress & the Presidency, and Public Opinion Quarterly. Josh earned his Ph.D. in political science at Washington University in St. Louis. Previously, he attended the University at Buffalo (SUNY) where he earned an M.A. in political science and B.A. in legal studies (summa cum laude, ΦΒΚ).


Employment (1)

Bowling Green State University: Bowling Green, OH, US

2019-08-01 to present | Assistant Professor
Source: Self-asserted source
Joshua Boston

Education and qualifications (2)

Washington University in St. Louis: MO, MO, US

2013-08 to 2019-08 | PhD (Political Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Joshua Boston

University at Buffalo - The State University of New York: Buffalo, NY, US

2010-08 to 2013-05 | MA (Political Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Joshua Boston