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I started my scientific career in 2012 as a Ph.D. student at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) in a research program aimed at studying fission dynamics taking advantage of the experimental data obtained in the first SOFIA/R³B fission experiments carried out at GSI in the summer 2012, providing a full identification of both fission fragments in terms of charge and mass. During this period, I did a predoctoral stay at GSI to participate in the experiment and to developed part of the data acquisition system and software analysis for the experiments. Then I took the responsibility for sorting the data obtained for the reaction p+²⁰⁸Pb at 370, 500 and 650A MeV. For this purpose, I created a new data sorting software package, which is currently considered as the basis for the new online and offline data sorting software package for the future R3B/FAIR experiments. I used this new software to study the dynamics of the fission process, in particular the role of nuclear dissipation effects. The results obtained were published in five articles and several conference proceedings. The results showed that the dissipation coefficient is independent of temperature and deformation.
As a consequence of the scientific impact of this work, I was awarded by the international GSI community of exotic nuclei as best young scientist in 2016, the prize of the Nuclear Physics Committee of the Spanish Physics Society in 2017, and the extraordinary PhD prize of the USC in 2018. However, the most important recognition was given by the European Physical Society as the best PhD thesis in Nuclear Physics 2015-2017.
After defending my Ph.D. in November 2015, I got a first postdoctoral contract at USC to study peripheral nuclear reactions, in particular single-nucleon knockout reactions and isobaric charge exchange reactions, as a function of the neutron excess in the tin region. These results were published in Phys. Rev. C. In November 2016, I received a second postdoctoral contract at the Atomic and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA), France, where I spent a year working on improving theoretical calculations for knockout reactions and hypernucleus production. These model calculations are now used by the international Geant4 collaboration, in which I am an active member of the hadronic and electromagnetic work packages. As a result of this work I have published 3 papers and new lines of research can be opened at GSI to study medium mass and heavy hypernuclei.
In 2017, I was awarded a third competitive postdoctoral contract funded by the Xunta de Galicia. This contract was divided into a two-year stay at GSI, Germany, until November 2019, and since then an additional year at USC. During this time, I was involved in the preparation of the experiments for FAIR Phase-0, which was performed during 2019 and 2021. This gave me the opportunity to get involved in new lines of research related to the study of light hypernuclei and to lead the study of the excitation of baryonic resonances in neutron-rich matter, but also to deepen my investigations on nuclear fission using quasi-free (p,2p) scattering reactions to study the fission barriers and yields of exotic nuclei and their implications for the r-process in stellar nucleosynthesis. During this third postdoctoral contract, I presented the results at several international conferences and also took on important responsibilities for the simulation and data analysis software of the R³B collaboration, in which I am member of the technical board committee.
In January 2023, I obtained a research contract from the Ramón y Cajal program for the recovery of excellent researchers abroad to continue the study of nuclear fission and hypernuclei at the University of Coruña within the group of Physics and Nuclear Technology and High Technologies (FiTNAE). With this new project, I expect to advance in the research of fission studies induced by quasi-free (p,pn) and (p,2p) scattering reactions, as well as in the study of heavy hypernuclei through the FRS and R³B experimental collaborations.
Employment (6)
Education and qualifications (3)
Professional activities (9)
Funding (5)
ED431F 2023/43
ED481B 2021/018