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Renata Gambino, Dr. phil., is associate professor for German Studies at the Department of Humanities (DISUM) University of Catania. Member of the teaching staff for the PhD in Cultural Heritage at DISUM. Responsible for the yearly laboratory and workshops Program of DISUM. Co-director of the international digital research platform for Neuro-Cognitive and Humanities Studies, Co-founder of the NewHums Research Center. Co-director of the book row “Wunderkammer” ed. By Bonanno editori. MC memeber of the EU Programm Cost E-READ IS1404. Official translator for German and English. Member of the Association INGRESSO LIBERO, cooperative member of the programm of learning through arts at The Machiavelli Theatre in Catania ARTLAB-UNICT. Focus of research: German literature of the ‘Goethezeit’, neurocognitive Hermeneutics, gender studies, visual studies, cultural studies, literary anthropology, German travellers in Italy, cognitive poetics, performance studies, education through arts.
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