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Moon Tay received her Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Degree in Biological Sciences from NTU in 2009 and her Ph.D in Integrated Biology and Medicine from Duke-NUS Medical School in 2015, under the supervision of Prof Subhash Vasudevan. Prior to joining NAFTEC, Moon worked as Research Fellow in Prof Mary Chan’s multidisciplinary research group that aims to develop new antimicrobial polymers, which are less likely to evoke resistance as compared to antibiotics and yet, can effectively kill bacteria and with low toxicity to mammalian cells. Moon's current research work involves the use of next generation sequencing to detect the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistant foodborne bacteria in the food chain. With the sequence data of bacteria, it will allow us to identify where resistant foodborne bacteria come from, and what are the main sources of these bacteria that could potentially affect human health.