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Education and Professional career • Master degree in Civil Engineering, Hydraulic, University of Pavia (Italy); • post-lauream first level master about surface water quality defence, University of Pavia (Italy); • environmental acoustic expert; energy certifier; • Philosophy Doctor in technologies for energy and environment, University of Bergamo (Italy). From 2001 to 2014, she worked as external researcher, lecturer and contract professor at Pavia University, Engineering Faculty, in Applied Physics. She also taught in several professional courses concerning energy efficiency and worked as a freelance acoustician and expert in renewable energies and energy efficiency. In 2012, Lucia Cattani worked on the research team of the University of Pavia to design a new machine that can extract water from air. In 2014, she became the R&D manager of SEAS-SA. In 2016, she was chosen to be one of the 100 female Italian experts in the STEM area, for the national project 100 Esperte, and one of the Lombardia's excellences in engineering in the national project Scintille, promoted by the Consiglio Nazionale degli Ingegneri. In 2024 she was awarded with the international prize "Tecnovisionarie" as one of the main experts in atmospheric water. Nowadays, she continues her work in SEAS as a R&D manager and at Pavia University as an external researcher, co-author of several international papers and teacher in the field of Applied Physics.
Employment (1)
Professional activities (4)
Works (24)