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I started my research career in 1992 with a FPU PhD grant at the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (CSIC). I defended my Thesis in 1996 with the maximum qualification (“apto cum laude”). In 1997 I joined the University of Alcalá as an Associate Professor, later I went on to Assistant Professor (1999-2003) and “Profesor Contratado Doctor” (2003-2007). Finally, in 2007, after passing the National Qualification Test for Professors (“habilitación”), I obtained a permanent position as University Professor. I have participated in over 20 research projects, mostly from national programs, being the principal investigator in five of them. . I’ve (co-)supervised 6 doctoral Theses, some of which have led to brilliant research careers. Throughout these years I have collaborated with researchers from many countries. From 2014 to 2018 I was a member of the Management Committee of the UE Cost Action NNEXT (, where I led an international working group of 33 researchers from 14 countries on impacts of exotic trees in environmental services. My research activity combines with an intense teaching and administrative activity in the University of Alcalá (I have been Vice Dean in the Faculty of Environmental Sciences in 2004-10).