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Works (2)

Geometric distribution of plaque calcification is associated with postprocedural hypotension after carotid artery stenting

Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery
2025-02-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Zhicai Chen; Hui Cheng; Qiongyin Zhang; Shufeng Yu; Peng Wang; Chao Xu
Source: check_circle

Metallic Hyperdensity Sign on Noncontrast CT Immediately after Mechanical Thrombectomy Predicts Parenchymal Hemorrhage in Patients with Acute Large-Artery Occlusion

American Journal of Neuroradiology
2019-03-07 | Journal article
Contributors: C. Xu; Y. Zhou; R. Zhang; Z. Chen; W. Zhong; X. Gong; X. Ding; M. Lou
Source: check_circle