Personal information
Zeljko Tomsic is working at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER). From 2004 to 2008 he had the position of Assistant Minister for Energy and Mining in the Ministry of Economy. From 2008 to 2009 he was Member of HEP d.d. Management Board.
Project leader for IAEA project: TC Project CRO2003: "Identifying and Managing Financial, Economical and Energy Risks for Nuclear Power Plant Projects in Small Economies – Case Study". 2012-2013.
As professor at the FER his teaching subjects are: Economics of Energy, Energy-Economic Models for Construction of Electricity System, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, Energy Management and Energy Efficiency, Energy Consumption Measuring and Analysis and 'Environmental Impact of Electric Power System, Planning of Construction of Generating Plants in Uncertain Conditions.
His Specializations are: Power System Planning, Economic and Financial Analysis in Energy, Energy Sustainable Development, Energy Management, Energy policy and Strategy, Energy markets, Environmental Protection in Power System.
He was written more than 100 R&D papers and he is co-author of book "Power Plants and Environment"