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Works (3)

The correlation of age with chemotherapy-induced ovarian function failure in breast cancer patients.

2017-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Vriens IJ; De Bie AJ; Aarts MJ; de Boer M; van Hellemond IE; Roijen JH; van Golde RJ; Voogd AC; Tjan-Heijnen VC
Source: Self-asserted source
Ashley De Bie via Europe PubMed Central

Thinking beyond the mass: ANCA-associated vasculitis mimicking a pancreatic malignancy.

2015-08 | Journal article
Contributors: De Bie AJ; Dekker MJ; Vermeulen Windsant IC; Nikkessen S; Demeyere TB; Konings CJ; de Hingh IH; Franssen CF; Creemers GJ
Source: Self-asserted source
Ashley De Bie via Europe PubMed Central

Fully automated closed-loop ventilation is safe and effective in post-cardiac surgery patients

Intensive Care Medicine
2014-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Ashley J. R. Beijers; Arnout N. Roos; Alexander J. G. H. Bindels
Source: Self-asserted source
Ashley De Bie via Crossref Metadata Search