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Inmaculada Ayala Viñas' research curriculum includes 12 publications in ISI JCR-indexed journals, two publications in books, and 28 in conferences. Among her journal publications, the most notable are those in the Journal of System and Software, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing and Knowledge-based Systems, which are journals with significant impact in their respective areas. It is worth highlighting the article in the journal Sensors, which, despite belonging to the ISI JCR Instruments and Instrumentation area, has had a significant impact with more than 60 citations.
Among her contributions to conferences, there are more than 10 listed in the CORE and GGS rankings, considered to be references in Computer Science. Among her conference publications, the most notable are MATES (Multi-agent System Technologies) and RE (Requirements Engineering), which are international conferences and references in their respective areas. She has notable publications in Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems conferences such as Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing or International Conference on Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques.
Inmaculada has two awards for the best article at international conferences. One was at the 14th German Conference on Multi-agent System Technologies (CORE-B), and another was at the 17th International Conference on Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques (CORE-B). According to Google Scholar, her H index is 14, and she has more than 450 citations.
She has participated in 14 research projects, of which four are European, four are national, four from the Junta de Andalucía and two from the University of Malaga. She was the principal investigator in a project of the University of Malaga's plan. In addition, she has 1 product in the intellectual property registry.
As part of her training, Inmaculada has completed a pre-doctoral stay at the Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio-Emillia together with the prestigious researcher Franco Zambonelli (17395 citations and H index 65), with whom she has a publication in common. She also completed a post-doctoral stay at Mälardalens Universitet with the prestigious researcher Alessandro V. Papadopoulos (2509 citations and H index 26), with whom she has two works in common, one of them published in a Q1 journal.
Regarding the organization of events, she has belonged to the local organizing committee of the Modularity 2016 conference and was one of the Demonstration Chair at the 26TH ACM International Systems And Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2022). She has been on the program committee of several international conferences, such as SOMET, IEEE SMC, and iStar. In addition, she was one of the organizers of the International Workshop on Variability Management for Modern Technologies. Finally, it should be noted that she is a reviewer for several journals indexed in the JCR, such as Information and Software Technology, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, and IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems.
Regarding teaching, Inmaculada has been teaching subjects in official university studies since the 2011-2012 academic year. The teaching is varied in content (theory and practice) and level. Inmaculada has taught in Engineering and Commerce and Management degrees, undergraduate degrees, and university-specific master's degrees. Regarding training for teaching, she has more than 400 hours of training courses and has participated in 2 innovation projects. She has directed a final degree project and four final degree projects. She is currently co-directing a doctoral thesis.
Her academic background includes a degree in Computer Engineering and a Master's degree in Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. He holds a PhD with international recognition and was awarded the extraordinary PhD prize in Computer Technologies in 2016.
Employment (9)
Education and qualifications (2)
Funding (15)
financiadora: TIN2015-64841-R
Works (39)