Personal information
E. Akhmatskaya is an Ikerbasque Professor, a BCAM Research Area Coordinator & Group Leader; an LBNL Affiliate Research Professor (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA):
• An applied mathematician, working on the development of novel numerical algorithms for quantum,
atomistic, meso- and multiscale simulation, their implementation in software and subsequent
application to the frontline research in Life and Physical Sciences using High Performance Computers
• 20+ years of international academic experience in USA (Cornell University), UK (University of
Manchester, Imperial College London), Spain (BCAM), USSR
• 13 years of industrial experience ( Fujitsu (Japan), UK – Principal Researcher)
• Author/co-author of original stochastic/deterministic sampling methods (GSHMC, MTS-GSHMC, meso-GSHMC, RSM-GSHMC, MMHMC) for efficient simulation of complex systems
• Author/co-author of adaptive multistage integration schemes (AIA, s-AIA2/3, MAIA, e-MAIA, s-MAIA2/3) for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods and Hamiltonian Dynamics
• 80+ articles in scientific journals, 2000+ citations
• 60+ confidential industrial reports (Fujitsu, Toyota, NAG, Accelrys, Iberdrola, Repsol)
• 4 granted and 4 published USA, GB and European patents
• Principal / contributed developer of 3 commercial and 4 open source software package
• “ Guarantor researcher” for 3 consecutive 4-years grant of 4,000,000.00 € obtained by BCAM as an excellence research
center (ref. Severo Ochoa Accreditation, SEV-2013-0323, SEV-2017-0718, CEX2021-001142-S
• BCAM coordinator for 2 consecutive MSCA H2020 RISE European projects (777778 - MATHROCKS (H2020) and 644202 GEAGAM (H2020))
• Principal Investigator of 15 research projects funded by national/international bodies since 2017
• Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics (specialty section of Frontiers in Chemistry and Frontiers in Physics)
• Member of Math-in (Spain)
Employment (9)
Funding (15)
SRS 7568991
EXP. 2019/00432
H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017, 777778
644202 GEAGAM (H2020)