Personal information


Employment (2)

National Research University Higher School of Economics: Moscow, RU

2023 to present | Expert (Digital Technologies Research Unit)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Anastasia Malashina

National Research University Higher School of Economics: Moscow, RU

2021 to present | Research Assistant (Research Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Anastasia Malashina

Education and qualifications (3)

National Research University Higher School of Economics: Moscow, RU

2024-10 | PhD in Engineering
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Anastasia Malashina

National Research University Higher School of Economics: Moscow, RU

2019-11-01 to 2023-10-31 | Doctoral programme (Computer Security)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Anastasia Malashina

National Research University Higher School of Economics: Moscow, RU

2013-09-01 to 2019-03-01 | Master's degree (Specialist) (Computer security)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Anastasia Malashina

Works (6)

Development of methods and algorithms for analyzing the characteristics of natural language texts based on the information theory approach for application to information security tasks

2024-07 | Dissertation or Thesis
Contributors: Dr. Anastasia Malashina
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Anastasia Malashina

Possibility of Recovering Message Segments Based on Side Information about Original Characters

Doklady Mathematics
2024-03-25 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1064-5624
Part of ISSN: 1531-8362
Contributors: Dr. Anastasia Malashina
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Anastasia Malashina

О возможности восстановления отрезков сообщения по информации о значениях исходных символов

Доклады Российской академии наук. Математика, информатика, процессы управления
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Dr. Anastasia Malashina
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Anastasia Malashina

The construction and analysis of the Russian language models for a cryptographic algorithm research

Chebyshevskii Sbornik
2022-07-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Dr. Anastasia Malashina; Alexei Los
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Anastasia Malashina

The Combinatorial Analysis of n-Gram Dictionaries, Coverage and Information Entropy based on the Web Corpus of English

Baltic Journal Modern Computing
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Dr. Anastasia Malashina
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Anastasia Malashina
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Entropy analysis of n-grams and estimation of the number of meaningful language texts

Proceedings of Entropy 2021: The Scientific Tool of the 21st Century
2021-05-05 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Anastasia Malashina