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Andreas Zeinert, born in Berlin in 1966, obtained his PhD in 1995 at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, for research on injection and transport of charge carriers in high field electroluminescent devices under supervision of Dr. P. Benalloul and Prof. Dr. H-E. Gumlich (Technical University Berlin, Germany). He joined the University of Picardie in Amiens, France as a postdoctoral fellow the same year before becoming assistant professor in 1997. He became associate Professor at the Scientific Faculty of the University of Picardie in 2004. Since 2015 he is full professor at this university. He published over 95 publications on thin film materials for optical and electronical applications. He coordinated the FP7 EU-MEX project BisNano and directed several national research projects with industrial partners. In 2014 he became laureate of the prize "Stars of Europe" (Etoiles de l'Europe”) by the French Ministry of Research for the coordination of BisNano. His current research interest is focused on the optical characterization of nanostructures and composite materials.