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Works (19)

Experiments on scalar interface in plane turbulent wall jet: Statistics and fractality

Physics of Fluids
2025-01-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Pranav Sood; Shibani Bhatt; Harish Choudhary; Abhishek Gupta; Neetesh Singh Raghuvanshi; Prajyot Sapkal; Thara Prabhakaran; Shivsai Ajit Dixit
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Experimental investigation of the structure of plane turbulent wall jets. Part 1. Spectral analysis

Journal of Fluid Mechanics
2024-06-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Harish Choudhary; Abhishek Gupta; Shibani Bhatt; Thara Prabhakaran; A.K. Singh; Anandakumar Karipot; Shivsai Ajit Dixit
Source: check_circle

In-situ observations of cloud microphysics over Arabian Sea during dust transport events

Environmental Research Communications
2024-05-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Sudarsan Bera; Sachin Patade; Thara Prabhakaran
Source: check_circle

Generalized Scaling and Model for Friction in Wall Turbulence

Physical Review Letters
2024-01-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Shivsai Ajit Dixit; Abhishek Gupta; Harish Choudhary; Thara Prabhakaran
Source: check_circle

Impact of CCN on mixing line structure over the peninsular Indian region

Journal of Earth System Science
2022-11-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Neelam Malap; T V Prabha; S Bera; Bipin Kumar; A Karipot
Source: check_circle

Characterization of carbonaceous aerosols during the Indian summer monsoon over a rain-shadow region

Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health
2022-10 | Journal article
Contributors: V. Jayachandran; P. D. Safai; P. S. Soyam; Neelam Malap; Shivdas P. Bankar; Mercy Varghese; Thara V. Prabha
Source: check_circle

Universal scaling of mean skin friction in turbulent boundary layers and fully developed pipe and channel flows

Journal of Fluid Mechanics
2022-07-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Shivsai Ajit Dixit; Abhishek Gupta; Harish Choudhary; Thara Prabhakaran
Source: check_circle

Physical mechanisms associated with the intense lightning over Indian region

International Journal of Climatology
2022-06-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Palani Murugavel; Thara V. Prabha; Govindan Pandithurai; Venkatachalam Gopalakrishnan; Sunil Pawar
Source: check_circle

A new methodology for the statistical descriptions of Particle‐by‐Particle measurements of liquid droplets in cumulus clouds

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
2022-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Sudarsan Bera; Subharthi Chowdhuri; Thara V. Prabha
Source: check_circle

Vertical profile of aerosol characteristics including activation over a rain shadow region in India

Atmospheric Environment
2021-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Mercy Varghese; Jerry Jose; A.S. Anu; Mahen Konwar; P. Murugavel; Nandakumar Kalarikkal; Medha Deshpande; Thara V. Prabha
Source: check_circle

Microphysical Origin of Raindrop Size Distributions During the Indian Monsoon

Geophysical Research Letters
2021-08-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Bhupendra A. Raut; Mahen Konwar; P. Murugavel; Dhananjay Kadge; Dinesh Gurnule; Imran Sayyed; Kiran Todekar; Neelam Malap; Shivdas Bankar; Thara Prabhakaran
Source: check_circle

The characterization of turbulent heat and moisture transport during a gust-front event over the Indian peninsula

Environmental Fluid Mechanics
2021-08-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Subharthi Chowdhuri; Kiran Todekar; Thara V Prabha
Source: check_circle

Cloud and aerosol characteristics during dry and wet days of southwest monsoon over the rain shadow region of Western Ghats, India

Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
2021-08-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Mercy Varghese; Jerry Jose; A. S. Anu; P. Murugavel; E. A. Resmi; Sudarsan Bera; Sabu Thomas; Mahen Konwar; Nandakumar Kalarikkal; Thara V. Prabha
Source: check_circle

A new universal model for friction factor in smooth pipes

Physics of Fluids
2021-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Shivsai Ajit Dixit; Abhishek Gupta; Harish Choudhary; A. K. Singh; Thara Prabhakaran
Source: check_circle

Unravelling the turbulent structures of temperature variations during a gust front event: a case study

Environmental Fluid Mechanics
2021-02-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Subharthi Chowdhuri; Kiran Todekar; Palani Murugavel; Anandakumar Karipot; Thara V. Prabha
Source: check_circle

A Multiresolution Technique for the Classification of Precipitation Echoes in Radar Data

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Bhupendra A. Raut; Valentin Louf; K. Gayatri; P. Murugavel; M. Konwar; Thara Prabhakaran
Source: check_circle

Persistence behavior of heat and momentum fluxes in convective surface layer turbulence

Physics of Fluids
2020-11-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Subharthi Chowdhuri; Thara Prabhakaran; Tirtha Banerjee
Source: check_circle

Water Vapor and Pollutants, Aerosol–Cloud Interactions

2019-12-29 | Book chapter
Contributors: Thara V. Prabha; Alexander Khain
Source: check_circle

Cloud‐edge mixing: Direct numerical simulation and observations in Indian Monsoon clouds

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
2017-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Bipin Kumar; Sudarsan Bera; Thara V. Prabha; Wojceich W. Grabowski
Source: check_circle

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Journal of climate. (1)