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Education and qualifications (2)

University of Waterloo: Waterloo, ON, CA

2016-09 to present | Ph.D. (Department of Applied Mathematics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Abdullah Ali Sivas

Middle East Technical University: Ankara, Ankara, TR

2014-09 to 2016-08 | M.Sc. (Institute of Applied Mathematics, Scientific Computing Program)
Source: Self-asserted source
Abdullah Ali Sivas

Works (7)

AIR Algebraic Multigrid for a Space-Time Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Discretization of Advection(-Diffusion)

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
2021-01 | Journal article | Author
Part of ISSN: 1064-8275
Part of ISSN: 1095-7197
Contributors: Abdullah Ali Sivas; Ben Southworth; Sander Rhebergen
Source: Self-asserted source
Abdullah Ali Sivas
Preferred source (of 2)‎

AIR algebraic multigrid for a space-time hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin discretization of advection(-diffusion)

2020-10-21 | Preprint
Source: Self-asserted source
Abdullah Ali Sivas

On Fixed-Point, Krylov, and $2\times 2$ Block Preconditioners for Nonsymmetric Problems

SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
2020-06-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0895-4798
Contributors: Ben S. Southworth; Abdullah A. Sivas; Sander Rhebergen
Source: Self-asserted source
Abdullah Ali Sivas via Crossref Metadata Search

Analysis of training sample selection strategies for regression-based quantitative landslide susceptibility mapping methods

Computers & Geosciences
2017-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0098-3004
Contributors: Arzu Erener; A. Abdullah Sivas; A. Sevtap Selcuk-Kestel; H. Sebnem Düzgün
Source: Self-asserted source
Abdullah Ali Sivas via Crossref Metadata Search

Discretization and Parallel Iterative Schemes for Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Problems

Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering
2016-11-11 | Other
Part of ISSN: 1439-7358
Contributors: Abdullah Ali Sivas; Murat Manguog̃lu; J. H. M. ten Thije Boonkkamp; M.. J. H. Anthonissen
Source: Self-asserted source
Abdullah Ali Sivas via Crossref Metadata Search

Quantification of Type, Timing, and Extent of Cell Body and Nucleus Deformations Caused by the Dimensions and Hydrophilicity of Square Prism Micropillars

Advanced Healthcare Materials
2016-11-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2192-2640
Contributors: Onur Hasturk; Abdullah Sivas; Bulent Karasozen; Utkan Demirci; Nesrin Hasirci; Vasif Hasirci
Source: Self-asserted source
Abdullah Ali Sivas via Crossref Metadata Search

Improved parallel preconditioners for multidisciplinary topology optimisations

International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics
2016-07-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1061-8562
Contributors: H.U. Akay; E. Oktay; M. Manguoglu; A.A. Sivas
Source: Self-asserted source
Abdullah Ali Sivas via Crossref Metadata Search