Personal information
- 2005/2021 Associated Professor di Ethnology / Cultural Anthropology at the Università degli Studi del Molise since 2005 (Courses: History of Popular Traditions, Visual Anthropology, Migration Anthropology, Anthropology of Tourism, Culture/Identity/Differences)
2013 Habilitated as a Full Professor (1st time: 2013; 2nd time: 2019).
1999/2005 Teacher of Cultural, Social, and Legal Anthropology and Cultural Heritage Studies at “Suor Orsola Benincasa” of Napoli, at University of Trieste and at University of Rome “La Sapienza” and at the School of Specialization in Visual Ethnography of Rome (1999-2012)
Visiting Professor in several European and non-European Universities:
- 2021/22 University of Slesia (Katowice, Poland – II Semester)
- 2021/22 Universidad de Rio Negro en Patagonia (Bariloche, Argentina - II Semester)
- 11/2021 University of Bucarest – Keynote Speaker at the Ethnological Association Congress (ADER)
- 6/2020 Universidad de Barcelona – Keynote speaker al Congreso de la Asociacion de Antropología Ibero-Americana.
- 2019 University of Sharjah – Institute for Heritage Studies (Arab Emirates),
- 2018 University of Slesia (Katowice, Poland) (2018),
- 2018 Université de Angers/Saumur (France, 2018),
- 2013 University of Richmond, Kentucky (US, 2013),
- 2012 Universidad de Barcelona (Spain, Proyecto Cultura y Naturaleza, Prof. Xavier Roigé Ventura)
- 2012 Universidad de Valencia (Spain)
- 2010 Universidad de Valladolid (Erasmus Mobility – Departamento de Historia y Etnologia, Prof. José Alonso Ponga)
- 2009 Universidad de Sevilla (Membro del Collegio di Dottorato in Antropologia Sociale e dello Sviluppo)
- 2008 Université de la Picardie (Amiens, Prof. Thierry Roche)
- 2021/22 Member of the Panel of Evaluators of the “Social Sciences” section of the Academy of Science of Finland for the selection of candidate projects to the prestigious Finnish National Academy of Sciences’ funds.
- 2021/2024 Member of the Scientific Committee of the "Transalp. Anthropologie impliquée dans la transition vers des nouveaux modèles de gouvernance" project of the Foundation "Maison de Sciences de l'Homme", France.
- 2021/22 Director of the Master “Digital Territories. ICT, social innovation, heritage communities on the web” with the support of Regione Molise for the ESSE3 Strategy Implementation
- 2021/2023 Director of a Municipal Ph.D. Program for the Inner Area of SNAI “Fortore”, supported by the Ministry of Social Cohesion, Italy.
- 2015/2021 Scientific Director and Co-Founder of the Inter-Departmental Centre of Research BIOCULT “Bio-Cultural Heritage and Local Development” of the University of Molise (Italy) (2015-2019 and 2020-2023).
- 2018/2021 General coordinator of the Project “EARTH” (Education Agriculture Resources for territories and Heritage) - ERASMUS PLUS CBHE (Capacity Building) involving 12 Universities and NGOs from Italy, France, Spain, Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia. The project has been funded with Euro 978.000 and it has been evaluated in the first 15% of the EACEA evaluation ranking of the 2018 projects.
- 2019 Teacher at the Winter School of the Project IUCLAND (Erasmus CBHE) (10/15 december)
- 2019/2020 Teacher at the Master in Cultural Heritage of the Project “CUDHIMA”(Erasmus CBHE).
- 2020/21 Effective member of the “MOVING” Project Team (Horizon H2020-RUR-2019-2 – RIA).
- 2019/2021 Coordinator of the Project “TRASHUMANCIA y PASTORALISMO COMO ELEMENTOS DEL PATRIMONIO INMATERIAL (TraPP)” financed by CUIA/CONICET with the Argentinian Universities of Rio Negro and COMAHUE (Neuquèn, Patagonia) and with the INTA of Bariloche (Patagonia, Argentina) about pastoralism and transhumance heritagization processes.
- 2019 Member of the Scientific Committee of the CUIA Jornadas (University of Molise, 11 e 12 October, 2019).
- 2018/2019 Teacher and member of the MAINBYOSIS Project (Study Visit and keynote lecture at the final congress at Hawassa, Etiopia – University of Hawassa, 11-17 February 2015).
- 2008/2010 Member of the European Project of Research “PATRIMONIO CULTURAL Y NATURAL” (Universidad di Barcelona from 2008-2011).
- 2014/2021 Member of EASA (European Association for Social Anthropology)
- 2016/2021 Member of SIEF (Société Internationale d’Ethnologie et Folklore). In the last decade she has constantly coordinated and participated in panels of both European Anthropological Societies Congresses.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the IOV (International Organization of Folk Arts) World Association.
- 2019/2021 President (Chair) of the Scientific Committee of Italian Section of IOV (International Organization of Folk Arts).
- 2010 Member of European Centre of Research on Popular Religions – Universidad de Valladolid (SPAIN).
- Scientific Coordinator of several local Projects (COnventions)
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (4)
Professional activities (5)
Funding (2)
EARTH Project (598839-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP