Personal information
Assoc. Prof. Ahmed Nabih Zaki Rashed was born in Menouf city, Menoufia State, Egypt country in 23 July 1976. Received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. scientific degrees in the Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering Department from Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia University in 1999, 2005, and 2010 respectively. Currently, his job carrier is a scientific lecturer in Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering Department, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia university, Menouf. Postal Menouf city code: 32951, EGYPT. His scientific master science thesis has focused on polymer fibers in optical access communication systems. Moreover, his scientific Ph. D. thesis has focused on recent applications in linear or nonlinear passive or active in optical networks. His interesting research mainly focuses on transmission capacity, a data rate product and long transmission distances of passive and active optical communication networks, wireless communication, radio over fiber communication systems, and optical network security and management. He has published more than 228 published scientific papers in international journals and conferences.
He has published many high scientific research papers in high quality and technical international journals in the field of advanced communication systems, optoelectronic devices, and passive optical access communication networks. His areas of interest and experience in optical communication systems advanced optical communication networks, wireless optical access networks, analog communication systems, optical filters and Sensors. As well as he is editorial board member in high academic scientific International research Journals. Moreover, he is a reviewer member in high impact scientific research international journals in the field of electronics, electrical communication systems, optoelectronics, information technology and advanced optical communication systems and networks. His personal electronic mail ID ( His published paper under the title "High reliability optical interconnections for short range applications in high performance optical communication systems" in Optics and Laser Technology, Elsevier Publisher has achieved most popular download articles in 2013.