Personal information

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Education and qualifications (2)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Cambridge, MA, US

Source: check_circle
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

University of Washington: Seattle, WA, US

2016-09-27 to present (Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Esther Han Beol Jang

Works (3)

dAuth: A Resilient Authentication Architecture for Federated Private Cellular Networks

2024-08-04 | Conference paper
Contributors: Matthew Johnson; Sudheesh Singanamalla; Nick Durand; Esther Han Boel Jang; Spencer Sevilla; Kurtis Heimerl
Source: check_circle

Stories from the Field (of Networking): Lessons from Deploying Research Systems in the Real World.

2023-09-10 | Conference paper
Contributors: Kurtis Heimerl; Esther Jang; Innocent Ndubuisi-Obi, Jr.
Source: check_circle

Situating Network Infrastructure with People, Practices, and Beyond: A Community Building Workshop

2022-11-08 | Conference paper
Contributors: Esther Han Beol Jang; Nicola Bidwell; Jen Liu; Phoebe Sengers; Naveen Bagalkot; Nervo Verdezoto; Melissa Densmore; Morgan Vigil-Hayes; Shaddi Hasan
Source: check_circle