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Computer Music, AI music, Sound signals and Multimedia, Music on Machine learning, Deep Learning Techniques for Music Generation.
Taiwan, Thailand

Dr. Varinya Phanichraksaphong received her B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand. She received an M.S. degree from the Department of International Graduate Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IEECS) at the National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, in 2019. She received her Ph.D. degree in July 2023 from the International Graduate Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IEECS), Department of Electronic Engineering, at the National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. From 2019-2022, she worked as an Al engineer and developer at Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection Co., Ltd. (FETC), an intelligent tolling service enabler and artificial intelligence (AI) project, in Taipei, Taiwan. Currently, Dr.Varinya is a researcher whose expert field in Computer Music, AI music, Sound signals, and Multimedia, Music on Machine learning, and Deep Learning Techniques for Music Generation.