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Works (5)

Deep learning guided design of dynamic proteins

2024-07-19 | Preprint
Contributors: Amy B. Guo; Deniz Akpinaroglu; Mark J.S. Kelly; Tanja Kortemme
Source: check_circle

Structure-conditioned masked language models for protein sequence design generalize beyond the native sequence space

2023-12-15 | Preprint
Contributors: Deniz Akpinaroglu; Kosuke Seki; Amy Guo; Eleanor Zhu; Mark J. S. Kelly; Tanja Kortemme
Source: check_circle

Simultaneous prediction of antibody backbone and side-chain conformations with deep learning

2022-06-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Deniz Akpinaroglu; Alexey Porollo; Jeffrey A. Ruffolo; Sai Pooja Mahajan; Jeffrey J. Gray
Source: check_circle

Improved antibody structure prediction by deep learning of side chain conformations

2021-09-22 | Other
Contributors: Deniz Akpinaroglu; Jeffrey A. Ruffolo; Sai Pooja Mahajan; Jeffrey J. Gray
Source: check_circle

Separable mechanisms drive local and global polarity establishment in the C. elegans intestinal epithelium

Contributors: Melissa A. Pickett; Maria D. Sallee; Victor F. Naturale; Deniz Akpinaroglu; Joo Lee; Kang Shen; Jessica L. Feldman
Source: Self-asserted source
Deniz Akpinaroglu via Crossref Metadata Search