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Works (2)

Adaptation of the ‘’Food Allergy Self-Efficacy Scale for Parents’’(FASE-P) to Turkish: a validity and reliability study

The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics
2024-11-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Nilay Çalışkan; Şeyma Genç; Güler Yıldırım; Hamit Bologur; Hilal Güngör; Merve Karaca Şahin; Muhammed Fatih Erbay; Şefika İlknur Kökcü Karadağ; Özlem Terzi; Deniz Özçeker
Source: check_circle

Local anesthetics allergy in children: Evaluation of diagnostic tests with Real‐Life data

Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
2024-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Nilay Caliskan; Guler Yildirim; Hamit Bologur; Hilal Gungor; Merve Karaca Sahin; Fatih Erbay; Sefika İlknur Kokcu Karadag; Deniz Ozceker
Source: check_circle