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Employment (1)

Michigan State University: Hickory Corners, MI, US

Associate Professor (W.K. Kellogg Biological Station; Integrative Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Works (33)

Translocations spur population growth but exacerbate inbreeding in an imperiled species

2023-11-15 | Preprint
Contributors: Tyler Linderoth; Lauren Deaner; Nancy Chen; Reed Bowman; Raoul Boughton; Sarah W. Fitzpatrick
Source: check_circle

Genetic rescue remains underused for aiding recovery of federally listed vertebrates in the United States

Journal of Heredity
2023-06-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Sarah W Fitzpatrick; Cinnamon Mittan-Moreau; Madison Miller; Jessica M Judson; Kelly Zamudio
Source: check_circle

Dispersal ability and biogeographic gradients influence gene flow of 3 aquatic insects in Laurentian Great Lakes interdunal wetlands

Freshwater Science
2023-03-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2161-9549
Part of ISSN: 2161-9565
Contributors: Halle Nienhaus; Sarah W. Fitzpatrick; Devin D. Bloom; Tiffany A. Schriever
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Understanding Local Adaptation to Prepare Populations for Climate Change

2023-01-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0006-3568
Part of ISSN: 1525-3244
Contributors: Mariah Meek; Erik A Beever; Soraia Barbosa; Sarah W Fitzpatrick; Nicholas K Fletcher; Cinnamon S Mittan-Moreau; Brendan N Reid; Shane C Campbell-Staton; Nancy F Green; Jessica J Hellmann
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Harlequin frog rediscoveries provide insights into species persistence in the face of drastic amphibian declines

Biological Conservation
2022-12 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0006-3207
Contributors: Kyle E. Jaynes; Mónica I. Páez-Vacas; David Salazar-Valenzuela; Juan M. Guayasamin; Andrea Terán-Valdez; Fausto R. Siavichay; Sarah W. Fitzpatrick; Luis A. Coloma
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

A critical comparison of integral projection and matrix projection models for demographic analysis: Reply

2022-10 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0012-9658
Part of ISSN: 1939-9170
Contributors: DANIEL DOAK; Ellen Waddle; Ryan E. Langendorf; Allison Louthan; Nathalie Isabelle Chardon; Reilly Dibner; Robert Shriver; Cristina Linares; Maria B Garcia; Sarah W. Fitzpatrick et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Shifts in gut microbiome across five decades of repeated guppy translocations in Trinidadian streams

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
2022-05-25 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0962-8452
Part of ISSN: 1471-2954
Contributors: Sarah Evans; Eugenia Zandona; J. Ribeiro Amaral; S. W. Fitzpatrick
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Reproductive benefits associated with dispersal in headwater populations of Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata)

Ecology Letters
2022-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Isabela L. Borges; Jillian C. Dangerfield; Lisa M. Angeloni; W. Chris Funk; Sarah W. Fitzpatrick; Greg Grether
Source: check_circle

The crucial role of genome-wide genetic variation in conservation

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
2021-11-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Marty Kardos; Ellie E. Armstrong; Sarah W. Fitzpatrick; Samantha Hauser; Philip W. Hedrick; Joshua M. Miller; David A. Tallmon; W. Chris Funk
Source: check_circle

A critical comparison of integral projection and matrix projection models for demographic analysis

Ecological Monographs
2021-05 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0012-9615
Part of ISSN: 1557-7015
Contributors: DANIEL DOAK; Ellen Waddle; Ryan Langendorf; Allison Louthan; Nathalie Isabelle Chardon; Reilly Dibner; Douglas A. Keinath; Elizabeth Lombardi; Christopher Steenbock; Robert Shriver et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Testing Demographic Methods Using Field Studies of Five Dissimilar Species

The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
2021-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel F. Doak; Maria Begoña Garcia; Cristina Linares; Sarah W. Fitzpatrick; W. Chris Funk; Megan L. DeMarche; Ellen Waddle; Robert K. Shriver; William F. Morris
Source: check_circle

Genome‐wide diversity and habitat underlie fine‐scale phenotypic differentiation in the rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum)

Evolutionary Applications
2021-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel R. Oliveira; Brendan N. Reid; Sarah W. Fitzpatrick
Source: check_circle

Rapture‐ready darters: Choice of reference genome and genotyping method (whole‐genome or sequence capture) influence population genomic inference in Etheostoma

Molecular Ecology Resources
2021-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Brendan N. Reid; Rachel L. Moran; Christopher J. Kopack; Sarah W. Fitzpatrick
Source: check_circle

Rapture-ready darters: choice of reference genome and genotyping method (whole-genome or sequence capture) influence population genomic inference inEtheostoma

2020-05-21 | Preprint
Contributors: Brendan N. Reid; Rachel L. Moran; Christopher J. Kopack; Sarah W. Fitzpatrick
Source: check_circle

Genomic and Fitness Consequences of Genetic Rescue in Wild Populations

Current Biology
2020-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0960-9822
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Recent evolutionary history predicts population but not ecosystem‐level patterns

Ecology and Evolution
2019-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Madison L. Miller; John A. Kronenberger; Sarah W. Fitzpatrick
Source: check_circle

The Exciting Potential and Remaining Uncertainties of Genetic Rescue

Trends in Ecology & Evolution
2019-12 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0169-5347
Contributors: Donovan A. Bell; Zachary L. Robinson; W. Chris Funk; Sarah W. Fitzpatrick; Fred W. Allendorf; David A. Tallmon; Andrew R. Whiteley
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

A potential role for immigrant reproductive behavior in the outcome of population augmentations

Animal Conservation
2019-10 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1367-9430
Part of ISSN: 1469-1795
Contributors: Emily Mensch; J. A. Kronenberger; E. D. Broder; S. W. Fitzpatrick; W. C. Funk; L. M. Angeloni
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Does gene flow aggravate or alleviate maladaptation to environmental stress in small populations?

Evolutionary Applications
2019-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Sarah W. Fitzpatrick; Brendan N. Reid
Source: check_circle

Genetic rescue without genomic swamping in wild populations

2019-07-15 | Other
Contributors: Sarah W. Fitzpatrick; Gideon S. Bradburd; Colin T. Kremer; Patricia E. Salerno; Lisa M. Angeloni; W. Chris Funk
Source: check_circle

An experimental test of alternative population augmentation scenarios

Conservation Biology
2018-08 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0888-8892
Part of ISSN: 1523-1739
Contributors: John Kronenberger; Jill C. Gerberich; Sarah W. Fitzpatrick; E. Dale Broder; Lisa M. Angeloni; W. Chris Funk
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Fire Does Not Strongly Affect Genetic Diversity or Structure of a Common Treefrog in the Endangered Florida Scrub

Journal of Heredity
2018-03-16 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0022-1503
Part of ISSN: 1465-7333
Contributors: Jeanne M Robertson; Sarah W Fitzpatrick; Betsie B Rothermel; Lauren M Chan
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Gene Flow Constrains and Facilitates Genetically Based Divergence in Quantitative Traits

2017-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0045-8511
Part of ISSN: 1938-5110
Contributors: Sarah W. Fitzpatrick; Corey A. Handelsman; Julian Torres-Dowdall; Emily W. Ruell; E. Dale Broder; John A. Kronenberger; David N. Reznick; Cameron K. Ghalambor; Lisa M. Angeloni; W. Chris Funk
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Playing God with guppies - informing tough conservation decisions using a model experimental system

Animal Conservation
2017-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1367-9430
Contributors: J. A. Kronenberger; S. W. Fitzpatrick; L. M. Angeloni; E. D. Broder; E. W. Ruell; W. C. Funk
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Testing the demographic effects of divergent immigrants on small populations of Trinidadian guppies

Animal Conservation
2017-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1367-9430
Part of ISSN: 1469-1795
Contributors: J. A. Kronenberger; W. C. Funk; J. W. Smith; S. W. Fitzpatrick; L. M. Angeloni; E. D. Broder; E. W. Ruell
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Gene flow from an adaptively divergent source causes rescue through genetic and demographic factors in two wild populations of <scp>T</scp>rinidadian guppies

Evolutionary Applications
2016-08 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1752-4571
Part of ISSN: 1752-4571
Contributors: Sarah W. Fitzpatrick; Jill C. Gerberich; Lisa M. Angeloni; Larissa L. Bailey; Emily D. Broder; Julian Torres‐Dowdall; Corey A. Handelsman; Andrés López‐Sepulcre; David N. Reznick; Cameron K. Ghalambor et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Adaptive divergence despite strong genetic drift: genomic analysis of the evolutionary mechanisms causing genetic differentiation in the island fox (<i>Urocyon littoralis</i>)

Molecular Ecology
2016-05 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0962-1083
Part of ISSN: 1365-294X
Contributors: W. Chris Funk; Robert E. Lovich; Paul A. Hohenlohe; Courtney A. Hofman; Scott A. Morrison; T. Scott Sillett; Cameron K. Ghalambor; Jesus E. Maldonado; Torben C. Rick; Mitch D. Day et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Sex, Mitochondria, and Genetic Rescue

Trends in Ecology &amp; Evolution
2016-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0169-5347
Contributors: Justin C. Havird; Sarah W. Fitzpatrick; John Kronenberger; W. Chris Funk; Lisa M. Angeloni; Daniel B. Sloan
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Genetic rescue to the rescue

Trends in Ecology &amp; Evolution
2015-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0169-5347
Contributors: Andrew R. Whiteley; Sarah W. Fitzpatrick; W. Chris Funk; David A. Tallmon
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Locally adapted traits maintained in the face of high gene flow

Ecology Letters
2015-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1461-023X
Part of ISSN: 1461-0248
Contributors: S. W. Fitzpatrick; J. C. Gerberich; J. A. Kronenberger; L. M. Angeloni; W. C. Funk
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Water availability strongly impacts population genetic patterns of an imperiled Great Plains endemic fish

Conservation Genetics
2014-08 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1566-0621
Part of ISSN: 1572-9737
Contributors: S. W. Fitzpatrick; H. Crockett; W. C. Funk
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Parallelism Isn’t Perfect: Could Disease and Flooding Drive a Life-History Anomaly in Trinidadian Guppies?

The American Naturalist
2014-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0003-0147
Part of ISSN: 1537-5323
Contributors: Sarah W. Fitzpatrick; Julián Torres-Dowdall; David N. Reznick; Cameron K. Ghalambor; W. Chris Funk
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick

Geographical variation in genetic structure of an Atlantic Coastal Forest frog reveals regional differences in habitat stability

Molecular Ecology
2009-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0962-1083
Part of ISSN: 1365-294X
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Fitzpatrick