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Works (4)

Targeted mutagenesis of Medicago truncatula Nodule-specific Cysteine-Rich (NCR) genes using the Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated CRISPR/Cas9 system

Scientific Reports
2023-11-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Berivan Güngör; János Barnabás Biró; Ágota Domonkos; Beatrix Horváth; Péter Kaló
Source: check_circle

The Medicago truncatula nodule‐specific cysteine‐rich peptides, NCR343 and NCR‐new35 are required for the maintenance of rhizobia in nitrogen‐fixing nodules

New Phytologist
2023-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Beatrix Horváth; Berivan Güngör; Mónika Tóth; Ágota Domonkos; Ferhan Ayaydin; Farheen Saifi; Yuhui Chen; János Barnabás Biró; Mickael Bourge; Zoltán Szabó et al.
Source: check_circle

Targeted mutagenesis of Medicago truncatula Nodule-specific Cysteine-rich (NCR) genes using the Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated CRISPR/Cas9 system

2023-08-23 | Preprint
Contributors: Berivan Güngör; János Barnabás Biró; Ágota Domonkos; Beatrix Horváth; Péter Kaló
Source: check_circle

TheMedicago truncatulanodule-specific cysteine-rich peptides, NCR343 and NCR-new35 are required for the maintenance of rhizobia in nitrogen-fixing nodules

2023-01-23 | Preprint
Contributors: Beatrix Horváth; Berivan Güngör; Mónika Tóth; Ágota Domonkos; Ferhan Ayaydin; Farheen Saifi; Yuhui Chen; János Barnabás Biró; Mickael Bourge; Zoltán Szabó et al.
Source: check_circle