Personal information

Information Retrieval, Digital Libraries, Databases, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Information Seeking and Searching
United Kingdom, Germany


I am the founder and head of the Data Science and AI research group DAIREL at the University of Wolverhampton. My research interests are user-oriented information retrieval (IR), AI, Deep Learning, NLP, Data Science and Digital Libraries. I am a passionate programmer and experienced in academia as well as in industry.

I was General Chair of ACM CIKM 2023 in Birmingham (with 650 accepted papers in IR, AI, knowledge management, deep learning). I am PI of the EU Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska Curie Staff Exchange project OMINO (guarantee funded by UKRI) to tackled information overload. I was PI of the EU H2020 Marie Skłodowska Curie European Training Network QUARTZ on quantum-inspired information retrieval. I have been involved in European and nationally funded projects on information retrieval, digital libraries, digital preservation and collaboration which have been conducted with highly recognised partners from research and industry. Besides research, I have been designing, implementing, integrating and evaluating several research prototypes and software modules and have been leading commercial software projects as a consultant.

I am senior managing editor of the International Journal on Digital Libraries ( and treasurer of the BCS Information Retrieval Study Group (BCS-IRSG). I have been (senior) programme chair member and reviewer of several world-leading conferences like SIGIR, ECIR, CIKM, ICTIR, JCDL, TPDL. I have been organising several workshops and autumn schools on information retrieval.

I have been teaching a broad range of computer science topics including information retrieval, AI, machine learning, databases, data modelling and management, programming, internet technologies as well as distributed and parallel computing.