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Dubravka Mihajlović, Ph.D., is a research associate at the Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy and an Associate professor at the Department of Andragogy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, where she received her doctorate in the field of career guidance and counseling of adults. She is a lecturer on the courses Career Guidance and Development , Vocational Education of Adults, Andragogy of Work. For more than 10 years, she is engaged in research in the field of CGC and professional education and she was engaged in more than ten scientific and research (national and international) projects in the field of education implemented by: OSCE, GOPA Consultants, British Council, Foundation Tempus, Ministry of Education, which were aimed at the development of the system of CGC in Serbia, improvement of legal system in Serbia (training of judges)… She is the author of accredited trainings for the professional development of teachers. She was a member of several working groups aimed at improvement of Adult Education and Career Guidance and counseling, member of working group of Ministry of Education (group for the development of qualification standards). She is the author of more that 20 papers (in national and international publications) focused on the research of ALE and CGC and professional education. She gave lectures and workshops by invitation, at national and international gatherings in the field of adult education