Personal information
Currently, I am perusing my PhD in the Doctoral School of Economic & Regional Sciences at the Hungarian University of Agriculture & Life Sciences (MATE), Hungary, EU. And I'm working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration at Stamford University of Bangladesh. Prior to that, I worked as a faculty member at the Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT).
I have more than 10 years of active teaching experience. I did my MBA and BBA in the department of Management at the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Rajshahi. I also received PGDHRM from the Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM ) and ABIA from the Bangladesh Insurance Academy (BIA).
I have proven consulting & advisory skills in HR, research, and publications. I have conducted seminars, workshops in different universities and institutions. I have also participated & presented contemporary HR & related research papers in different international conferences at home and abroad. I have published a good number of scholarly research contributions as articles and book chapters in different reputed national and international journals and publishers. I write columns regularly on contemporary issues in the national dailies and reputed online portals. I am a popular public and professional speaker who has given many invited speeches at home and abroad.
Apart from the academic segment, I have been demonstrated leadership skills and abilities in educational, social, community, and professional bodies. He worked for the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, Rotaract Club, Badhon (Voluntary blood donating organization), Shawjon Badhon (Voluntary blood donating organization) and other national & regional organizations with leading positions. Mr. Islam has Founded ‘Rokter Badhone Stamford (Voluntary blood donating unity)’ for helping all the stakeholders for Stamford University Bangladesh.
I have a proven track record of engaging with and managing different professional bodies. I was elected as an Executive Council (EC) member for the year 2019-20 at the Institute of Personnel Management (IPM), Bangladesh. I am also actively engaged with leading HR professional bodies in Bangladesh like- Institute of Personnel Management (IPM) Bangladesh, Bangladesh Society for Human Resources Management (BSHRM), Bangladesh Society for Training & Development (BSTD), Bangladesh Organization for Learning & Development (BOLD), Alliance of Green HR Professionals Bangladesh, Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) etc.