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My research lines have had a multidisciplinary perspective, integrating information and models of climate, hydrology, geology, geostatistics, artificial intelligence techniques and software development with the aim of improving knowledge about water resource systems and assess management alternatives. They include surface water, groundwater and its conjunctive use and the study of the impact of global change and the adaptation measures.
My results from the above mentioned research are included in numerous publications (35 articles [33 SCI Q1 or Q2 (more than 55% as first author and/or corresponding author and more than 70% Q1), 2 ESCI], 6 book chapters, 43 communications in international conferences and 2 datasets) of impact and of great practical interest.
I am a reviewer for different SCI journals and member of the editorial board of Glacies (MDPI). I am also Guest Editor of different special issues: Sustainability, Water, Frontiers in Water.
In the pre-doctoral stage, I was awarded an FPI pre-doctoral contract from the Spanish Ministry of Science at the IGME-CSIC. My Ph.D thesis achieved the following awards:
- International mention and summa cum laude from the UGR.
- Award (3rd edition) for the best Ph.D thesis on climate change in the Spanish Mediterranean from the Chair of Climate Change of the UPV.
- Extraordinary Award for a Ph.D Thesis from the UGR.
During my post-doctoral stage, in addition to several contracts linked to projects (national and international), I obtained two prestigious Spanish competitive positions:
- Juan de la Cierva-Formación contract from the Ministry of Science (Call 2021) (position 7 in the area of Environmental Sciences and Technology). These contracts aim to encourage the incorporation of young doctors (two years from Ph.D).
- Post-doc PAIDI (Andalusian Plan for Research) of the Andalusian Government at the UGR (Call 2021) (position 4 in the area of Natural Resources). These contracts aim to improve the skills acquired during a first stage of post-doctoral training (five years from Ph.D).
I participated in the organization of 'Hidrogeodía' 2019 (IAH – IGME-CSIC) and Mi primer Geolodía 2024' (SGE). As part of the international H2020 TACTIC project, I participated in a study that evaluated climate change adaptation strategies involving users from the Alto Guadiana. I am a co-founder and member of the management group of the Citizen Science Initiative for Snow Monitoring in Spain. In 2024, I also participated in the TVE1 news program on the occasion of Snow Day.
I have had predoctoral research stays at Colorado State University (CSU) (USA) and Deltares (The Netherlands). At CSU I published as coauthor 4 SCI articles, 2 datasets, 4 communications in international conferences on lines of research that are still open. The stay in Deltares (Delft, The Netherlands) resulted in 2 contributions to international conferences and 1 SCI article. I have participated in COST Action ES1404 and I was also selected (Trainee Grant) for a one-week international course in the Italian Alps.
I obtained funds as principal investigator (PID2022 and Jose Castillejo 2022) to do two three-month research stays in CSU (Colorado) and one five-month research stay in GEUS (Denmark) during 2024-2026. I also have participated in 7 international projects which have allowed me to publish several papers in international collaborations.
I am PI for three projects, one of which is funded by the Spanish National Plan call:
- Evaluación de impactos del CC en el forzamiento meteorológico de embalses con escasez de datos, 01/01/2023-31/12/2023, financiado por la UGR (PPJIA2022-01).
- Estudio de montañas semiáridas con nieve para evaluar y limitar incertidumbre y aumentar la conciencia social sobre el Cambio Climático (SIERRA-CC), 01/09/2023-31/08/2026, financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia de España (PID2022-137623OA- I00).
- Herramientas para evaluar potenciales impactos de las sequías en acuíferos y humedales asociados como soporte a la adaptación en un contexto de cambio climático (co-IP con IP de IGME-CSIC), 01/01/2025-31/12/2028, financiado por el programa MOMENTUM-CSIC.
I supervised a Master's Thesis in 2021 (UGR). The results were published in a SCI article (Q2). I also supervised a bachelor's thesis (UGR) (defence in 2024) and I am supervising four doctoral theses (1 UCAM and 3 UGR) (defence in 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2029). I have teaching experience (100 hours) in the Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences programs at UGR and I am accredited as a “Profesor contratado doctor”. I also participated in the FASTEN course (IGME-DGA) teaching some applications of artificial intelligence in hydrology to the technicians of the hydrographic confederations (Plan de Acción de Aguas Subterráneas, BOE 255 de 2023).
Employment (6)
Education and qualifications (3)
Professional activities (4)
Funding (2)