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Works (4)

Defective defence in Daphnia daughters: silver nanoparticles inhibit anti-predator defence in offspring but not in maternal Daphnia magna

Scientific Reports
2020-05-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Sarah Hartmann; Anna Beasley; Darya Mozhayeva; Carsten Engelhard; Klaudia Witte
Source: check_circle

Impact of wastewater-borne nanoparticles of silver and titanium dioxide on the swimming behaviour and biochemical markers of Daphnia magna: An integrated approach

Aquatic Toxicology
2020-03 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Hartmann

Comparative multi-generation study on long-term effects of pristine and wastewater-borne silver and titanium dioxide nanoparticles on key lifecycle parameters in Daphnia magna

2019-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Sarah Hartmann; Rebecca Louch; Richard Zeumer; Benedikt Steinhoff; Darya Mozhayeva; Carsten Engelhard; Holger Schönherr; Christian Schlechtriem; Klaudia Witte
Source: check_circle

Zebrafish larvae show negative phototaxis to near-infrared light

2018-11-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Sarah Hartmann; Filippo Del Bene; Roland Vogt; Jan Kunze; Anna Rauschert; Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert; Josef Wanzenböck; Dunja K. Lamatsch; Klaudia Witte
Source: check_circle