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Employment (2)

University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, PA, US

Source: check_circle
University of Pennsylvania via ORCID Member Portal

University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, PA, US

2000-01-01 to present | Research Professor (Genetics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christian Stoeckert

Works (2)

Classifying progression status statements from radiology exams among non-small cell lung cancer patients using natural language processing

2021-11-21 | Other
Contributors: Anahita Davoudi; Shun Yu; Abigail Doucette; Peter Gabriel; Mark Miller; Heather Williams; Heena Desai; Anh Le; Christian J Stoeckert; Kara Maxwell et al.
Source: check_circle

A novel tool for standardizing clinical data in a semantically rich model

Journal of Biomedical Informatics
2020-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Hayden G. Freedman; Heather Williams; Mark A. Miller; David Birtwell; Danielle L. Mowery; Christian J. Stoeckert, Jr.
Source: check_circle

Peer review (2 reviews for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Scientific data. (2)