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Dr Chigo Okonkwo leads the High Capacity Optical Transmission laboratory at the ECO group, Department of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in The Netherlands. He is also a founding member of the Center for Quantum Materials and Technology - QT/e at TU/e
The PhD research at the University of Essex focused on "Exploiting Parametric Wavelength Converters for Optical Signal Processing" which demonstrated all-optical wavelength conversion and demultiplexing functions at 320Gb/s employing periodically-poled Lithium Niobate devices.
Since 2010, he has contributed to the EU projects QuNEST, HOMTech, QCINed, MODEGAP, IDEALIST, METRO-HAUL and 5G-MOBIX projects, his research focuses a number of topics from ultra-high capacity space division multiplexed transmission systems to deploying optical, quantum and free space optical communications testbeds.
From advanced multi-dimensional modulation formats to the optical and digital signal processing schemes required for such systems, his work is focused on scaling the number of transmitted modes and developing few-mode and/or multi-core fibres and amplifiers.
His team is building up the Quantum communications testbed in the Eindhoven region as part of a number of National ( National Growth Funds) and European Quantum Technology Projects.
His research has led to patents and several key publications in Nature Photonics, Nature Scientific Reports, JLT and Optics Express.
As a Senior member of the professional organisation IEEE and a member of Optica, he serves as a reviewer and has (co)authored more than 300 publications in conferences and journals.