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For many years, Wolfgang Koch is working for the Bundeswehr and the German defence and in-dustry. His work comprises all aspects of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance ISR, Elec-tronic / Navigation Warfare, resources management, and Manned-Unmanned Teaming. Being the Chief Scientist of Fraunhofer FKIE, he co-ordinates on a broader scale R&D activities related to digitalization in the defence and security domain.
For the national FCAS technology development, he coordinates all defence-related Fraunhofer Institutes. He is particularly interested in ethical, social, and legal aspects of digitisation, which he investigates as co-chair of the working group Technology Responsibility for FCAS. At the interna-tional level, he is active in the International Information Fusion Society ISIF, the IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society AESS, and the NATO Science and Technology Organization STO.
Wolfgang Koch earned his PhD in theoretical physics at the RWTH Aachen and his habilitation in computer science at the University of Bonn. There he teaches on signal processing, sensor data fusion, artificial intelligence, and technical autonomy. In these fields he has published a mono-graph, edited handbook, and wrote numerous technical articles.