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Grzegorz Kinelski – Polish, 51, PhD of Economy, MBA, M.Sc.,Dipl.-eng. Master of Company Management, Electrical Engineer, Master of Project Management. He is the author of many scientific publications in the field of economics and management. He conducts didactic classes at the WSB University in the field of management sciences and economics.
Professional 2017 CEO in PKP Energetyka. 2018 CEO in Energia dla Firm and Energetyczne Centrum S.A. 2016 started work in ECB S.A. as advisor of board, 2013-2016 has been working in ENEA, as vicepresident of board of capital group. In 2010 started work in TAURON as vicepresident of board Shared Service Company, 2006, started work as Head of Customer Services Division in Vattenfall Business Services Poland. Has 32 years experiences in energy branch, and more than years for Polish Government Treasure Company. And ten years has been working for Vattenfall. Before for GZE (Upper Silesian Power Distribution Company n Gliwice Poland). Has experiences in managing of company and processes for sales energy and trading and customer relations. Has been working as member cross-border projects of implementation new solutions in this areas. Member of Polish Comitee of Energy (PKEE) and member of board of Society of Energy Trading (TOE) and AIEE and IEEE. He was independent consultant of energy market and advisors for company, and advisor of board in Uppersiliesia Metropoly Office. Head of Energy Trading Department in Veolia Energia Polska, International Energy Company. Now is member of board Veolia Energy Contracting Poland.
Employment (15)
Education and qualifications (7)
Professional activities (8)
Funding (1)
Works (50 of 66)