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Prof kram Alomainy received the M.Eng. degree in communication engineering and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering (specialized in antennas and radio propagation) from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), U.K., in July 2003 and July 2007, respectively. He joined the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, QMUL, in 2007, where he is a Professor of Antennas and Applied, Head of the Antennas & Electromagnetics Research Group and Lead of Centre for Electronics. He is a member of the Institute of Bioengineering and Centre for Intelligent Sensing at QMUL. His current research interests include small and compact antennas for wireless body area networks, radio propagation characterisation and modelling, antenna interactions with human body, computational electromagnetic, advanced antenna enhancement techniques for mobile and personal wireless communications, nano-scale networks and communications, THz material characterisation and communication links and advanced algorithm for smart and intelligent antenna and cognitive radio system. He is the lead of Wearable Creativity research at Queen Mary University of London and has been invited to participate at the Wearable Technology Show 2015, Innovate UK 2015 and also in the recent Wearable Challenge organised by Innovate UK IC Tomorrow as a leading challenge partner to support SMEs and industrial innovation. He has authored and co-authored two books, 6 book chapters and more than 250 technical papers in leading journals and peer-reviewed conferences.
Dr. Alomainy won the Isambard Brunel Kingdom Award, in 2011, for outstanding young science and engineering communicator. He was selected to deliver a TEDx talk about the science of electromagnetic and also participated in many public engagement initiatives and festivals. He is a Chartered Engineer, member of the IET, senior member of IEEE, fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK) and also a College Member for Engineering and Physical Sciences Research (EPSRC, UK) and its ICT prioritisation panels. He is also a reviewer for many funding agencies around the world including Expert Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Research, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK, the Medical Research Council (MRC), UK and UNESCO. He is an elected member of UK URSI (International Union of Radio Science) panel to represent the UK interests of URSI Commission B.
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