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Suzana Pasanec Preprotic is an associate professor at Faculty of Graphic Arts Zagreb University. She was born in 1972 in Zagreb and graduated in 1991 with honors at Graphic Education Centre in Zagreb (graphic arts technician, re-chemigraphy). At first, she graduated from the Zagreb Higher Graphic School in 1994. She enrolled in the Faculty of Graphics at the University of Zagreb in 1997, where she graduated in June 2001 with the subject of a diploma thesis in the field of organization of graphic arts production with an emphasis on family entrepreneurship, under the mentorship of associate professor Božidar Juri, PhD. Immediately after the first graduating in 1994, she was employed in the family company Pasanec ltd. which has been producing graphic (book) products in small and medium editions since 1984. Furthermore, in 2002, she enrolled in a university post-graduate study (master's degree) at the same Faculty. In 2006, she is employed in the associate title of assistant in the Packaging, Bookbinding, and Design Department at Graphic Arts Faculty. In 2008, after fifteen years of entrepreneurial activities, she became a scientific assistant researcher. For the same AY 2007/2008, she transferred from a university master's degree to doctoral study. She obtained the PhD academic degree four years later. In 2013, she was elected to the associate scientific researcher in the scientific field of graphic technology-technical science. One year later, she became the assistant professor, and in 2018 she was elected to the higher scientific researcher. In 2022 she was elected to associate professor, she holds five (5) undergraduate courses, one (1) graduate course, and one (1) postgraduate (doctoral) university course. She successfully completed the education system, which involves concrete teaching techniques based on the principles of cognitivist learning theories "Active learning and critical thinking in higher education teaching" for a duration of 60 hours, organized by the Forum for Freedom of Education under the mentorship of professor Vlasta Vizek Vidović, PhD from the Faculty of Philosophy Zagreb University (Reg.BR. C 757/2014/E03-2011-01 dated 13.06.2014). As a scientist researcher, she has participated in researching and developing of innovative graphic materials (papers, adhesives) and their sustainability in the field of bookbinding and packaging production. The researching areas are the characterization and design of seamless form of the book binding, the interaction of printing papers with adhesives and the modification of adhesives with nanoparticles, and sustainable ecological approaches for the improvement of book binding production according to the framework for graphic technology ISO 130. She has published more than fifty (50) scientific and professional papers, which were published and were included in the Croatian National Bibliography under the scientist member number 303526. Since 2015, she has been the president of the quality assurance committee of the Faculty. She is the creator of a unique form (MASTER: SOK form) for carrying out quality assurance procedures for internal stakeholders (teachers and services), the e-SOK form is harmonized according to the European ESG 2015 guidelines. She is a member of all non-statutory committees at Graphic Arts Faculty, and she helps to create all strategical documents (strategy, action plan, annual reports, activity plan, self-analysis). In addition, she actively participated in the implementation of a four-year professional HKO project in the field of graphic engineering, multimedia, and visual communication (2019-2022). Moreover, she is the author of the brochure "Eight (8) Key Competencies of the Future”, in which she proposed guidelines for improving quality system assurance procedures at the home institution, with an emphasis on the implementation of the Croatian classification framework in new university study programs at the bachelors and master’s level. She has been an active member of the technical committee for graphic technology (TZN/TO 130) at the Croatian Standards Institute since 2014. Four years later, she participated in the team of the selected (juried) exhibition for the best packaging on the Croatian market CROPAK 2018. Seven years earlier, she was an invited lecturer at a thematic vocational school for the needs of formal vocational education of teachers in the graphic sector (Class: 130-01/11-05, URBROJ: 332-05-02/15-11-33 from 25/11/2011), and two years earlier she gave an invited lecture at the International Expo of the graphic and paper Industry INTERGRAFIKA 2009.
Employment (3)
Education and qualifications (4)
Professional activities (5)
Works (18)