Personal information

economic sanctions, foreign policy, Turkey, energy, social media, international conflict


Employment (6)

King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center: Riyadh, SA

2019-08-01 to present | Research Fellow (Policy and Decision Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Sabanci Universitesi: Tuzla, TR

2016-12-15 to 2020-01-30 | Faculty Member, Associate Professor (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center: Riyadh, SA

2018-08 to 2018-09 | Visiting Researcher (Policy and Decision Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Columbia University: New York, NY, US

2017-07-01 to 2018-08-31 | Visiting Fulbright Scholar
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Sabanci Universitesi: Tuzla, TR

2013-09-01 to 2017-07-01 | Faculty Member, Program Coordinator (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Sabanci University: Istanbul, TR

2010-09-01 to 2016-12-14 | Faculty Member, Assistant Professor
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Education and qualifications (3)

Pennsylvania State University: University Park, PA, US

2005-08-15 to 2010-12-10 | PhD (Political Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Sabanci Universitesi: Tuzla, Istanbul, TR

2003-09-10 to 2004-08-23 | MA (Political Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi: Istanbul, TR

1997-09-23 to 2001-06-14 | BA (Management)
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Professional activities (6)

King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center: Riyadh, SA

2018-07-19 to 2018-12-30 | Visiting Researcher (Policy and Decision Science)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Columbia University: New York, NY, US

2016-01-01 to 2018-10-01 | Member of Advisory Board (Sakip Sabanci Center for Turkish Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Sabancı University: Istanbul, TR

2014-08-15 to 2017-06-01 | BA Program Coordinator (International Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Sabancı University: Istanbul, TR

2014-08-15 to 2017-06-01 | MA Program Coordinator (European Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Sabancı University: Istanbul, TR

2013-01-15 to 2017-06-01 | MA Program Coordinator (Conflict Analysis and Resolution)
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Robert College Alumni Association: Istanbul, TR

2012-09-01 to 2014-05-31 | General Secretary
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Funding (5)

Energy Relations and Foreign Policy

2018-02 to 2018-09 | Grant
National Council for Scientific Research Council of Turkey (Ankara, TR)
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Energy Interdependence and Interstate Conflict

2017-07 to 2018-01 | Award
Institute of International Education (NY, NY, US)
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Analysis of Turkey’s Participation and Trends in Peacekeeping Operation

2014-06 to 2017-05 | Grant
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (Ankara, TR)
Part of GRANT_NUMBER: 114K985
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Institution and Security Nexus in Transitioning Afghanistan

Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Identifying Public Opinion Shapers on Twitter (I-POST)

2013-01 to 2015-12 | Grant
Sabanci University (Istanbul, TR)
Source: Self-asserted source
Emre Hatipoglu

Peer review (19 reviews for 14 publications/grants)

Review activity for Applied economics letters. (1)
Review activity for Defence and peace economics. (2)
Review activity for Energies. (1)
Review activity for Energy policy. (1)
Review activity for Energy reports. (1)
Review activity for Energy Transitions. (1)
Review activity for Environmental economics and policy studies. (1)
Review activity for Environmental economics and policy studies. (1)
Review activity for European journal on criminal policy and research. (1)
Review activity for Humanities & social sciences communications. (2)
Review activity for International interactions. (1)
Review activity for PloS one. (1)
Review activity for Resources policy. (3)
Review activity for Sustainability. (2)