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Full Professor in the Department of Physics at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Ado Jorio works with research and development of scientific instrumentation in optics for the study of nanostructures with applications in novel materials and biomedicine. He was awarded with the Somiya Award of the International Union of Materials Reserach Societies (2009), Scopus Brazil by Elsevier & CAPES (2009), ICTP Prize (2012), Georg Forster Research Award of the Humboldt Foundation (2015), and State Government Inconfidential Medal of Minas Gerais (2016). He is a member of the Brazilian Society of Physics, of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, and received the "membership award to the American Chemical Society" (2015). In 2016 he was included in the list of "Highly Cited Researchers" of Thomson Reuters. He held the position of Coordinator of Strategic Studies and Information at Inmetro (2008-2009) and, at UFMG, he was Director of the Technology Transfer Office (2010-2012), head of the Department of Physics (2015-2016) and Dean of Research (2016-2018).