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Graduated in Pharmacy at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1986), master degree in Biological Chemistry at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1990) and PhD in Biological Chemistry at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1994) with part of work at the University of Stuttgart (Germany), which thesis theme was about protein reconstitution in lipid membranes (liposomes). She is currently full professor at Federal University of Santa Catarina. She has experience in Pharmacy and Biochemistry, working mainly in the investigation of antitumor properties of new molecules and new strategies for cancer diagnosis (miRNA). In parallel, she has been working in nanotechnology (especially in the development and analysis of siRNA carriers) and nanotoxicology. Basically our group works in interactions between micro and macromolecules. She is leader of the research group: Group of study in interactions between micro and macromolecules Collaborator of the research group: Group of Research in food, medicine and other environmental factors: relationship with the genome and embryonic and fetal development