Personal information
Tong-Bu Lu (1964) obtained his Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from Lanzhou University in 1993. Following a postdoctoral fellowship at Sun-Yat-Sen University, he joined to the Faculty member at the same University, and became a Professor of Chemistry in 2000. He worked as a postdoctoral fellowship at Texas A&M University and Michigan Technological University. His current research interest is artificial photosynthesis, including homogeneous and heterogeneous photo-/electro-catalysts for water splitting and CO2 reduction. He obtained the National Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Youth Scholar in 2006. He has over 380 scientific publications with H-index of 71. Now, he is a fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) and a fellow of Chinese Chemical Society, the director of carbon dioxide chemistry committee of Chinese Chemical Society, an Associate Editor of Chinese Chemical Letters, and the Editorial Advisory Board for the Journals of Sci. China Chem., JPhys Energy, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry,