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I obtained my Master in Biomedical Analysis in the Polytechnic School of the University of Abomey Calavi in 2006. I was hired at the National Public Health Laboratory in 2007 as Inspector of Sanitary Actions where I became the Immuno-Hematology Section Head in March 2014 and also has joined the Rotavirus Surveillance System.
I have a Master 2 degree in Cell Biology and Immunology at the University of Abomey Calavi.
I obtained my PhD in Microbiology-Molecular Biology and Genomic at the Doctoral School Life and Sciences from the University of Abomey Calavi. I have been working on Rotavirus in collaboration with the Viral Gastroenteritis Branch, Division of Viral Diseases, NCIRD, CDC/ Rotavirus surveillance laboratory. I learned basic molecular techniques to sequencing techniques and was trained in phylogenetics trees analysis. Through a collaboration with Japanese agency and Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Accra, Ghana, I also practiced cell culture and numerous molecular techniques on various pathogens such as Influenza virus, poliovirus, coronavirus, hepatitis virus.
I have the ambition to work in advanced research labs in Microbiology/Immunology and that as a matter of fact motivated me to major in Immunology/Cell Biology and in Microbiology and Genomic.
*My area of interest is enteropathogenic viruses and I am mentored by Dr. Esona Mathew from CDC*.
As Research Microbiologist trained on different diagnostic techniques, surveillance system and laboratory management of epidemics, I am this person technically experienced (more than 10 years of practice in Public Health Laboratory), methodical, organized and opened mind to lead any mission in the field of laboratories.
I have the ability to integrate easily the group of work and endowed with good communication and writing skills.
With my contributions to the establishment of the rotavirus surveillance system, I have been appointed GLASS-AMR Focal Point and my tasks is to establish this surveillance in Benin with contributions from all stakeholders