Personal information

No personal information available


Education and qualifications (6)

Oregon Health and Science University: Portland, OR, US

2014-09-01 to present | M.S. Biomedical Informatics (Medical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Steven Kassakian

Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School: Providence, RI, US

2013 to 2014 | Chief Medical Resident (Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Steven Kassakian

Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School: Providence, RI, US

2010 to 2013 | Internal Medicine Residency (Department of Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Steven Kassakian

Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School: Providence, RI, US

2010 | M.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Steven Kassakian

University of Washington: Seattle, Washington, US

2004 | B.S. (Oceanography)
Source: Self-asserted source
Steven Kassakian

University of Washington: Seattle, Washington, US

2004 | B.S. (Chemistry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Steven Kassakian

Works (9)

The Evidence Base for Health Information Exchange

Health Information Exchange
2016 | Other
Contributors: William R. Hersh; Annette M. Totten; Karen Eden; Beth Devine; Paul Gorman; Steven Z. Kassakian; Susan S. Woods; Monica Daeges; Miranda Pappas; Marian S. McDonagh
Source: Self-asserted source
Steven Kassakian via Crossref Metadata Search

Barriers and facilitators to exchanging health information: a systematic review

International Journal of Medical Informatics
2016-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Karen B. Eden; Annette M. Totten; Steven Z. Kassakian; Paul N. Gorman; Marian S. McDonagh; Beth Devine; Miranda Pappas; Monica Daeges; Susan Woods; William R. Hersh
Source: Self-asserted source
Steven Kassakian via Crossref Metadata Search

Clinical Decision Support Reduces Overuse of Red Blood Cell Transfusions: Interrupted Time Series Analysis

The American Journal of Medicine
2016-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Steven Z. Kassakian; Thomas R. Yackel; Thomas Deloughery; David A. Dorr
Source: Self-asserted source
Steven Kassakian via Crossref Metadata Search

Screening of nursing home residents for colonization with carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae admitted to acute care hospitals: Incidence and risk factors

American Journal of Infection Control
2016-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Cheston B. Cunha; Steven Z. Kassakian; Ryan Chan; Fred C. Tenover; Panos Ziakas; Kimberle C. Chapin; Leonard A. Mermel
Source: Self-asserted source
Steven Kassakian via Crossref Metadata Search

Outcomes From Health Information Exchange: Systematic Review and Future Research Needs.

2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Hersh WR; Totten AM; Eden KB; Devine B; Gorman P; Kassakian SZ; Woods SS; Daeges M; Pappas M; McDonagh MS
Source: Self-asserted source
Steven Kassakian via Europe PubMed Central
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Screening of nursing home residents for colonization with carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae admitted to acute care hospitals: Incidence and risk factors.

2015-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Cunha CB; Kassakian SZ; Chan R; Tenover FC; Ziakas P; Chapin KC; Mermel LA
Source: Self-asserted source
Steven Kassakian via Europe PubMed Central

Changing epidemiology of infections due to extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing bacteria

Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control
2014 | Journal article


Part of ISSN:


Contributors: Steven Z Kassakian; Leonard A Mermel
Source: Self-asserted source
Steven Kassakian via Crossref Metadata Search

Impact of Chlorhexidine Bathing on Hospital-Acquired Infections among General Medical Patients

Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology
2011-03 | Journal article


Part of ISSN:


Contributors: Steven Z. Kassakian; Leonard A. Mermel; Julie A. Jefferson; Stephen L. Parenteau; Jason T. Machan
Source: Self-asserted source
Steven Kassakian via Crossref Metadata Search

Oxic, suboxic, and anoxic conditions in the Black Sea

The Black Sea Flood Question: Changes in Coastline, Climate, and Human Settlement
2007 | Other




Contributors: Keith Stewart; Steven Kassakian; Marta Krynytzky; Doug DiJulio; James W. Murray
Source: Self-asserted source
Steven Kassakian via Crossref Metadata Search