Personal information

behavioural ecology tropical ecology


Education and qualifications (2)

Monash University: Clayton, VIC, AU

2018-05-07 to present | PhD Candidate (Biological Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
ettore camerlenghi

University of Padua: Padua, Veneto, IT

2014-09-14 to 2017-03-01 | Master in Evolutionary Biology (Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
ettore camerlenghi

Works (8)

Multi-level societies: different tasks at different social levels

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
2025-03-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Ettore Camerlenghi; Danai Papageorgiou
Source: check_circle

Long corolla flowers in Tropical Andes favour nectar robbing by the Black Metaltail hummingbird: A study using citizen science and field observations

Austral Ecology
2024-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Ettore Camerlenghi; G. Giselle Mangini; Rodolfo O. Anderson; Albert Cruz‐Gispert; Rikkert Loosveld; Paúl Gonzáles; Sergio Nolazco
Source: check_circle

Social restructuring during harsh environmental conditions promotes cooperative behaviour in a songbird

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
2024-04-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Ettore Camerlenghi; Sergio Nolazco; Damien R. Farine; Robert D. Magrath; Anne Peters
Source: check_circle

Multilevel social structure predicts individual helping responses in a songbird

Current Biology
2023-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Ettore Camerlenghi; Sergio Nolazco; Damien R. Farine; Robert D. Magrath; Anne Peters
Source: check_circle

The structure and organisation of an Amazonian bird community remains little changed after nearly four decades in Manu National Park

Ecology Letters
2023-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Ari E. Martínez; José M. Ponciano; Juan P. Gomez; Thomas Valqui; Jorge Novoa; Mariamercedes Antezana; Gabriela Biscarra; Ettore Camerlenghi; Blaine H. Carnes; Renato Huayanca Munarriz et al.
Source: check_circle

Cooperative breeding and the emergence of multilevel societies in birds

Ecology Letters
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Ettore Camerlenghi; Alexandra McQueen; Kaspar Delhey; Carly N. Cook; Sjouke A. Kingma; Damien R. Farine; Anne Peters; Noa Pinter‐Wollman
Source: check_circle

How Dreaming and Indigenous ancestral stories are central to nature conservation: Perspectives from Walalkara Indigenous Protected Area, Australia

Ecological Management & Restoration
2022-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Langaliki Robin; Kuntjupai Robin; Ettore Camerlenghi; Luke Ireland; Ellen Ryan‐Colton
Source: check_circle

Cooperative breeding and the emergence of multilevel societies in birds

2021-10-06 | Preprint
Contributors: Ettore Camerlenghi; Alexandra McQueen; Kaspar Delhey; Carly N. Cook; Sjouke A. Kingma; Damien R. Farine; Anne Peters
Source: check_circle

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for PloS one. (1)