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Employment (1)

Deutsches Zentrum für Schienenverkehrsforschung beim Eisenbahn-Bundesamt (DZSF): Dresden, DE

2022-01 to present | Wissenschaftlicher Referent
Source: Self-asserted source
Mark Sastuba

Works (11)

iDeepMon – Intelligente Inspektion und Überwachung von tiefen Bergwerksschächten

BHM Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte
2017 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0005-8912
Contributors: Norbert Benecke; Helmut Engelhardt; Adam Heyduk; Marek Jendryz; Bernhard Jung; Henryk Kleta; Philipp Koch; Jakob König; Shane Leighton; Paul O’Leary et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Mark Sastuba

4D visualization study of a vortex ring life cycle using modal analyses

Journal of Visualization
2016 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1343-8875
Contributors: Benjamin Ponitz; Mark Sastuba; Christoph Brücker
Source: Self-asserted source
Mark Sastuba

A Comparing View on Robot Odometry in Underground Mining

IROS 2016 State Estimation and Terrain Perception
2016 | Conference paper
Contributors: Steve Grehl; Erik Berger; Claudia Buhl; Marc Donner; Marvin Ferber; Marco Herrmann; Peter Poschmann; Mark Sastuba; Falk Schreiter; David Vogt et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Mark Sastuba

Combining SURF and SIFT for Challenging Indoor Localization using a Feature Cloud

7th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and In
2016 | Conference paper

Contributors: Marvin Ferber; Mark Sastuba; Steve Grehl; Bernhard Jung
Source: Self-asserted source
Mark Sastuba

Estimation of perturbations in robotic behavior using dynamic mode decomposition

Advanced Robotics
2015 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0169-1864
Contributors: Erik Berger; Mark Sastuba; David Vogt; Bernhard Jung; Ben Amor, Heni
Source: Self-asserted source
Mark Sastuba

Towards virtualization of underground mines using mobile robots – from 3D scans to virtual mines

23rd International Symposium on Mine Planing & Equipment Selection
2015 | Conference paper

Contributors: Steve Grehl; Mark Sastuba; Marc Donner; Marvin Ferber; Falk Schreiter; Helmut Mischo; Bernhard Jung
Source: Self-asserted source
Mark Sastuba

Real time visualization and analysis of sensory hair arrays using fast image processing and proper orthogonal decomposition

17th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics
2014 | Conference paper

Contributors: Mark Sastuba; Christoph Skupsch; Christoph Brücker
Source: Self-asserted source
Mark Sastuba

4D analysis of flow around a Tumbling Ring-Type Particle using Scanning PIV and 3D Least Squares Matching

10TH Internationnal symposium on particle image velocimetry -PIV13
2013 | Conference paper

Contributors: David Hess; Mark Sastuba; Jens Kitzhofer; Christoph Brücker
Source: Self-asserted source
Mark Sastuba

Volumetric Velocimetry via Scanning Back-Projection and Least-Squares-Matching Algorithms of a Vortex Ring

16th Int. Symp. on Appl. of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics
2012 | Conference paper

Contributors: Benjamin Ponitz; Mark Sastuba; Christoph Brücker; Jens Kitzhofer
Source: Self-asserted source
Mark Sastuba

Dynamic Mode Decomposition for perturbation estimation in human robot interaction

The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, IEEE RO-MAN 2014
Conference paper
Contributors: Erik Berger; Mark Sastuba; David Vogt; Bernhard Jung; Ben Amor, Heni
Source: Self-asserted source
Mark Sastuba

Structureless Camera Motion Estimation of Unordered Omnidirectional Images


Contributors: Mark Sastuba
Source: Self-asserted source
Mark Sastuba