Personal information

Verified email domains


Employment (3)

Hartpury University: Gloucester, GB

2023-08 to present | Animal Health Lecturer (Animal )
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabel Lewis

Writtle University College: Chelmsford, GB

2022-08 to 2023-08 | Animal Science Lecturer (Animal and Agriculture)
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabel Lewis

The Pirbright Institute: Woking, GB

2018-09 to 2022-07 | PhD Student (Large DNA Viruses)
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabel Lewis

Education and qualifications (2)

Royal Veterinary College: London, GB

2018-09 to 2022-07 | PhD (Pathobiology and Population Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabel Lewis

University of Lincoln: Lincoln, Lincolnshire, GB

2015-09 to 2018-08 | Bioveterinary Science (BSc)
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabel Lewis

Professional activities (1)

British Society of Animal Science: Penicuik, GB

2023-07 to present | Graduate member (Early careers committee )
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabel Lewis

Works (3)

124. Needle-free intradermal vaccination, an opportunity to improve commercial pig welfare

Animal - science proceedings
2024-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2772-283X
Contributors: I. Lewis; H. Wishart; E. Breeze; P. Setter; J. Amory
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabel Lewis

64. A change in the system: implications of sheep production methods on lamb productivity

Animal - science proceedings
2024-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2772-283X
Contributors: K. Watson; I. Lewis; J. Amory; H. Wishart
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabel Lewis

The immune response to lumpy skin disease virus in cattle is influenced by inoculation route

Frontiers in Immunology
2022-11-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Isabel Lewis
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabel Lewis