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She is a Professor at the Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV), the director of the Virtues and Values Education Centre, She holds a PhD in Leadership and Management of Higher Education Institutions from the Universidad Anáhuac and is recognised by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She also holds a degree in Educational Sciences from the Universidad Anáhuac and a degree in Religious Sciences from the Ateneo Regina Apostolorum. She has a Master's degree in Marriage and Family Sciences from the John Paul II Institute in Rome. In addition to being a professor at the UFV, she is the international head of the school’s area of the Regnum Christi Schools Network. She has worked for more than twenty years in the educational field where she has also been director of schools for several years. She has experience in team building and management in educational institutions at national and international level. Currently her teaching practice and research focuses on educational leadership and virtue ethics applied to education. Some of her publications are: “Teacher leadership and education for freedom”, “Educating for freedom, Autonomy or self-determination?”, “The effect of teacher leadership on students’ purposeful learning”, among others. She is co-author of some publications, among others: "Pedagogy and virtues: the excellence in the way of love" and “En vistas del fin excelente: la Educación del carácter en las universidades” (Towards the excellent end: character education in universities); Characer Education in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities. She is a consultant for the Valued Based Leadership project run by the Oxford Character Project at Oxford University and collaborates with the European Character and Virtue Association at the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues.