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Occupational Safety and Health, Worker Training and Education, AI in Construction, Engineering Education, Construction Robotics
United States


Employment (3)

Arizona State University: Tempe, US

2024-08-16 to present | Associate Professor (School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment)
Source: Self-asserted source
Siyuan Song

The University of Alabama: Tuscaloosa, AL, US

2021-06-16 to 2024-08-15 | Assistant Professor (Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Siyuan Song

University of Southern Mississippi: Hattiesburg, MS, US

2018-08 to 2021-06-15 | Assistant Professor (School of Construction and Design)
Source: Self-asserted source
Siyuan Song

Education and qualifications (2)

The University of Alabama: Tuscaloosa, AL, US

2017-12 | Ph.D. in Civil Engineering
Source: Self-asserted source
Siyuan Song

The University of Alabama: Tuscaloosa, AL, US

2015-12 | Master of Science in Engineering
Source: Self-asserted source
Siyuan Song