Personal information

Learning analytics, CSCL, Self-regulated learning, Community of Inquiry framework, Game-based learning


Employment (1)

Kyushu University: Fukuoka, JP

2013-01-01 to present | Associate Professor (Faculty of Arts and Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada

Education and qualifications (2)

Tokyo Institute of Technology: Tokyo, Tokyo, JP

2005-04-01 to 2008-03-31 | Ph.D (Department of Human System Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada

Tokyo Institute of Technology: Tokyo, Tôkyô, JP

2003-04-01 to 2005-03-31 | MSc(Engineering) (Department of Human System Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada

Works (50 of 67)

Items per page:
Page 1 of 2

Learning behavioral patterns of students with varying performance in a high school mathematics course using an e-book system

Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning
2024 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 17937078
Contributors: Geng, X.; Chen, L.; Xu, Y.; Ogata, H.; Shimada, A.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Challenges in Promoting Self-Regulated Learning in Technology Supported Learning Environments: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

Technology, Knowledge and Learning
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Doreen Prasse; Mary Webb; Michelle Deschênes; Séverine Parent; Franziska Aeschlimann; Yoshiko Goda; Masanori Yamada; Audrey Raynault
Source: check_circle

Effects of using the first principles of instruction in a content and language integrated learning class

Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education
2023 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 23635169
Contributors: Hao, H.; Susono, H.; Geng, X.; Chen, L.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

How Students Use Learning Analytics Dashboards in Higher Education: A Learning Performance Perspective

2023 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 21582440
Contributors: Chen, L.; Geng, X.; Lu, M.; Shimada, A.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Using learning analytics to investigate learning processes and behavioural patterns in an augmented reality language learning environment

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
2023 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 13652729 02664909
Contributors: Geng, X.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier


Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age, CELDA 2022
2022 | Conference paper


Contributors: Hirata, S.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Effects of using first principle of instruction on content and language integrated learning class

Research Square
2022 | Other


Contributors: Hao, H.; Susono, H.; Geng, X.; Chen, L.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

From Adaptive Learning Support to Fading Out Support for Effective Self-Regulated Online Learning

2022-09-02 | Book chapter
Contributors: Yoshiko Goda; Masanori Yamada; Takeshi Matsuda; Hiroshi Kato; Yutaka Saito; Hiroyuki Miyagawa
Source: check_circle

An Analytical Approach for Detecting and Explaining the Learning Path Patterns of an Informal Learning Game

Educational Technology and Society
2021 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 14364522 11763647
Contributors: Feng, X.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier


18th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, CELDA 2021
2021 | Conference paper


Contributors: Watanabe, H.; Goda, Y.; Shimada, A.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Exploring Intrinsic Motivation Types in Augmented Reality Systems: Differences in Technology Acceptance, Learning Performance, and Behavior

TALE 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education, Proceedings
2021 | Conference paper


Contributors: Geng, X.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Putting learning back into learning analytics: actions for policy makers, researchers, and practitioners

Educational Technology Research and Development
2021 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 15566501 10421629
Contributors: Ifenthaler, D.; Gibson, D.; Prasse, D.; Shimada, A.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

An augmented reality learning system for Japanese compound verbs: study of learning performance and cognitive load

Smart Learning Environments
2020 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 21967091
Contributors: Geng, X.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Design and Development of Visualization Approaches for Informal Learning Game Logs

DiGRA 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 DiGRA International Conference: Play Everywhere
2020 | Conference paper


Contributors: Feng, X.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Development of a visualization system to enhance participation in computer-supported collaboration learning

Proceedings of 2020 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering, TALE 2020
2020 | Conference paper


Contributors: Xu, Y.; Taniguchi, Y.; Goda, Y.; Shimada, A.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Do different instructional styles affect students' learning on summer assignments?

Proceedings - IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2020
2020 | Conference paper


Contributors: Chen, L.; Xu, Y.; Geng, X.; Ogata, H.; Shimada, A.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Exploring Factors that Influence Collaborative Problem Solving Awareness in Science Education

Technology, Knowledge and Learning
2020 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 22111670 22111662
Contributors: Chen, L.; Inoue, K.; Goda, Y.; Okubo, F.; Taniguchi, Y.; Oi, M.; Konomi, S.; Ogata, H.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Factors of the use of learning analytics dashboard that affect metacognition

17th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, CELDA 2020
2020 | Conference paper


Contributors: Chen, L.; Lu, M.; Goda, Y.; Shimada, A.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

From adaptive learning support to fading out support for effective self-regulated online learning

Early Warning Systems and Targeted Interventions for Student Success in Online Courses
2020 | Book chapter


Contributors: Goda, Y.; Yamada, M.; Matsuda, T.; Kato, H.; Saito, Y.; Miyagawa, H.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

From Adaptive Learning Support to Fading Out Support for Effective Self-Regulated Online Learning

2020 | Book chapter
Contributors: Yoshiko Goda; Masanori Yamada; Takeshi Matsuda; Hiroshi Kato; Yutaka Saito; Hiroyuki Miyagawa
Source: check_circle

Visualizing Studying Activities for a Learning Dashboard Supporting Meta-cognition for Students

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2020 | Conference paper


Part of ISSN: 16113349 03029743
Contributors: Lu, M.; Chen, L.; Goda, Y.; Shimada, A.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Advanced tools for digital learning management systems in university education

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2019 | Conference paper


Part of ISSN: 16113349 03029743
Contributors: Shimada, A.; Minematsu, T.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Development and design of a compound verb AR learning system employing image schemas

Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Mobile Learning 2019, ML 2019
2019 | Conference paper


Contributors: Geng, X.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Direction of collaborative problem solving-based STEM learning by learning analytics approach

Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 17937078
Contributors: Chen, L.; Yoshimatsu, N.; Goda, Y.; Okubo, F.; Taniguchi, Y.; Oi, M.; Konomi, S.; Shimada, A.; Ogata, H.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Effects of game-based learning on informal historical learning: A learning analytics approach

ICCE 2019 - 27th International Conference on Computers in Education, Proceedings
2019 | Conference paper


Contributors: Feng, X.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Exploring the Relationships between Reading Behavior Patterns and Learning Outcomes Based on Log Data from E-Books: A Human Factor Approach

International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 15327590 10447318
Contributors: Yin, C.; Yamada, M.; Oi, M.; Shimada, A.; Okubo, F.; Kojima, K.; Ogata, H.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Factors investigation of learning behaviors affecting learning performance and self-regulated learning

TALE 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education
2019 | Conference paper


Contributors: Chen, L.; Goda, Y.; Shimada, A.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Integrating Multimodal Learning Analytics and Inclusive Learning Support Systems for People of All Ages

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2019 | Conference paper


Part of ISSN: 16113349 03029743
Contributors: Tamura, K.; Lu, M.; Konomi, S.; Hatano, K.; Inaba, M.; Oi, M.; Okamoto, T.; Okubo, F.; Shimada, A.; Wang, J. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Proposal and implementation of an elderly-oriented user interface for learning support systems

Proceedings of the 6th 2019 ACM Conference on Learning at Scale, L@S 2019
2019 | Conference paper


Contributors: Lu, M.; Tamura, K.; Okamoto, T.; Oi, M.; Shimada, A.; Hatano, K.; Yamada, M.; Konomi, S.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Visualization of learning log of web-based application for understanding the structure of geometric proofs

16th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, CELDA 2019
2019 | Conference paper


Contributors: Hamada, S.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Does Physical Activity Enhance Learning Performance?: Learning Effectiveness of Game-based Experiential Learning for University Library Instruction

Journal of Academic Librarianship
2018 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 00991333
Contributors: Kaneko, K.; Saito, Y.; Nohara, Y.; Kudo, E.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Effects of content and language integrated learning class design based on the first principle of instruction theory: A case study

Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age, CELDA 2018
2018 | Conference paper


Contributors: Hao, H.; Susono, H.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Relationships between Collaborative Problem Solving, Learning Performance and Learning Behavior in Science Education

Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering, TALE 2018
2018 | Conference paper


Contributors: Chen, L.; Uemura, H.; Hao, H.; Goda, Y.; Okubo, F.; Taniguchi, Y.; Oi, M.; Konomi, S.; Ogata, H.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Towards supporting multigenerational co-creation and social activities: Extending learning analytics platforms and beyond

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2018 | Conference paper


Part of ISSN: 16113349 03029743
Contributors: Konomi, S.; Hatano, K.; Inaba, M.; Oi, M.; Okamoto, T.; Okubo, F.; Shimada, A.; Wang, J.; Yamada, M.; Yamada, Y.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Are learning logs related to procrastination? From the viewpoint of self-regulated learning

14th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age, CELDA 2017
2017 | Conference paper


Contributors: Yamada, M.; Oi, M.; Konomi, S.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Finding traces of high and low achievers by analyzing undergraduates' e-book logs

CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2017 | Conference paper


Part of ISSN: 16130073
Contributors: Oi, M.; Yamada, M.; Okubo, F.; Shimada, A.; Ogata, H.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Game-based educational application for informal learning of English using FLEG

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2017 | Conference paper


Part of ISSN: 16113349 03029743
Contributors: Wang, B.; Tang, F.; Kaneko, K.; Yamada, M.; Okada, Y.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Global collaborative learning support system for facilitator collaboration: First phase development report

Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2017 - Main Conference Proceedings
2017 | Conference paper


Contributors: Goda, Y.; Yamada, M.; Ishige, Y.; Handa, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Learning analytics for E-book-based educational big data in higher education

Smart Sensors at the IoT Frontier
2017 | Book chapter


Contributors: Ogata, H.; Oi, M.; Mohri, K.; Okubo, F.; Shimada, A.; Yamada, M.; Wang, J.; Hirokawa, S.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Learning analytics of the relationships among self-regulated learning, learning behaviors, and learning performance

Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning
2017 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 17937078
Contributors: Yamada, M.; Shimada, A.; Okubo, F.; Oi, M.; Kojima, K.; Ogata, H.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Reproducibility of findings from educational big data: A preliminary study

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2017 | Conference paper


Contributors: Oi, M.; Yamada, M.; Okubo, F.; Shimada, A.; Ogata, H.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Self-Regulator: Preliminary Research of the Effects of Supporting Time Management on Learning Behaviors

Proceedings - IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2017
2017 | Conference paper


Contributors: Yamada, M.; Goda, Y.; Matsuda, T.; Saito, Y.; Kato, H.; Miyagawa, H.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

A Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Design for Quality Interaction

IEEE Multimedia
2016 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 1070986X
Contributors: Yamada, M.; Goda, Y.; Matsukawa, H.; Hata, K.; Yasunami, S.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

A Game-Based Learning Environment Using the ARCS Model at a University Library

Proceedings - 2015 IIAI 4th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, IIAI-AAI 2015
2016 | Conference paper


Contributors: Kaneko, K.; Saito, Y.; Nohara, Y.; Kudo, E.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

How does self-regulated learning relate to active procrastination and other learning behaviors?

Journal of Computing in Higher Education
2016 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 18671233 10421726
Contributors: Yamada, M.; Goda, Y.; Matsuda, T.; Saito, Y.; Kato, H.; Miyagawa, H.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Learning activity features of high performance students

CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2016 | Conference paper


Part of ISSN: 16130073
Contributors: Okubo, F.; Hirokawa, S.; Oi, M.; Shimada, A.; Kojima, K.; Yamada, M.; Ogata, H.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Learning analytics in ubiquitous learning environments: Self-regulated learning perspective

ICCE 2016 - 24th International Conference on Computers in Education: Think Global Act Local - Main Conference Proceedings
2016 | Conference paper


Contributors: Yamada, M.; Okubo, F.; Oi, M.; Shimada, A.; Kojima, K.; Ogata, H.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Social presence visualizer: Development of the collaboration facilitation module on CSCL

Communications in Computer and Information Science
2016 | Conference paper


Part of ISSN: 18650929
Contributors: Yamada, M.; Kaneko, K.; Goda, Y.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

Analyzing the features of learning behaviors of students using e-Books

Workshop Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2015
2015 | Conference paper


Contributors: Yin, C.; Okubo, F.; Shimada, A.; Oi, M.; Hirokawa, S.; Yamada, M.; Kojima, K.; Ogata, H.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier

E-book-based learning analytics in University education

Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2015
2015 | Conference paper


Contributors: Ogata, H.; Yin, C.; Oi, M.; Okubo, F.; Shimada, A.; Kojima, K.; Yamada, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Masanori Yamada via Scopus - Elsevier
Items per page:
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