Personal information

behaviour change, physical activity, public health, behavioural science, health psychology
United Kingdom


Neil Howlett has over 15 years of research experience in the areas of behaviour change and public health, with a particular interest in physical activity. Neil's expertise includes: designing, implementing, and evaluating interventions to help individuals, communities, and populations change a range of health behaviours; systematic reviews and meta-analyses; behaviour change theories; policy and research briefings; pragmatic evaluations of public health programmes. Neil has achieved circa £7.5m of grant funding including leading on Department of Health, Lottery, and Local Enterprise Partnership-funded grants with the charity HENRY, and co-leading the design and evaluation of the Active Herts programme. A key current grant is the NIHR-funded PHIRST Connect Team, with leadership of two PHIRST evaluations focusing on community champions and researchers during COVID-19 in Southampton, and Green Health Partnerships in Scotland. Neil is also currently working with the the UCL hub of the NIHR-funded Policy Research Unit in Behavioural and Social Sciences, and is a former Treasurer and Trustee of the Behavioural Science and Public Health Network.


Employment (4)

University of Hertfordshire: Hatfield, GB

Source: check_circle
University of Hertfordshire

University of Hertfordshire: Hatfield, GB

2023-08-01 to present | Reader in Behaviour Change and Public Health (Psychology, Sport, and Geography)
Source: Self-asserted source
Neil Howlett

University of Hertfordshire: Hatfield, GB

2019-10-01 to 2023-07-31 | Senior Research Fellow (Psychology, Sport, and Geography)
Source: Self-asserted source
Neil Howlett

University of Hertfordshire Department of Psychology: Hatfield, Hertfordshire, GB

2014-09-01 to 2019-09-30 | Research Fellow (Psychology and Sport Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Neil Howlett

Education and qualifications (1)

University of Hertfordshire: Hatfield, Hertfordshire, GB

2014-09 to 2019-04 | PhD (Psychology and Sport Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Neil Howlett

Professional activities (1)

British Psychological Society: Leicester, GB

DHP member
Source: Self-asserted source
Neil Howlett

Funding (6)

NIHR Policy Research Unit Behavioural Science

2023-09 to 2024-06 | Grant
University College, London (London, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Neil Howlett

NIHR - Public Health Interventions Responsive Research Teams (PHIRST)

2020-08 to 2025-07 | Grant
National Institute for Health Research (London, GB)

NIHR131573 and NIHR133206

Source: Self-asserted source
Neil Howlett

Developing and Testing an Evidence Based Teenage Behaviour Change Programme

2019-12 to 2023-11 | Grant
Hertfordshire Science Partnership/HENRY/EDRF (Hatfield, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Neil Howlett

Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of exercise in adolescents with depression: a multi-site randomised controlled trial

2019-09 to 2024-11 | Grant
National Institute for Health and Care Research (London, GB)


Source: Self-asserted source
Neil Howlett

Working Together for a Healthy Start

2016-09 to 2020-08 | Grant
Big Lottery Fund (London, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Neil Howlett

Parent to parent support for a healthy start in life

2014-07 to 2017-12 | Grant
Department of Health and Social Care (London, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Neil Howlett

Peer review (6 reviews for 4 publications/grants)

Review activity for British journal of health psychology. (2)
Review activity for Journal of behavioral medicine. (1)
Review activity for Nature human behaviour. (1)
Review activity for The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity (2)