Personal information
Neil Howlett has over 15 years of research experience in the areas of behaviour change and public health, with a particular interest in physical activity. Neil's expertise includes: designing, implementing, and evaluating interventions to help individuals, communities, and populations change a range of health behaviours; systematic reviews and meta-analyses; behaviour change theories; policy and research briefings; pragmatic evaluations of public health programmes. Neil has achieved circa £7.5m of grant funding including leading on Department of Health, Lottery, and Local Enterprise Partnership-funded grants with the charity HENRY, and co-leading the design and evaluation of the Active Herts programme. A key current grant is the NIHR-funded PHIRST Connect Team, with leadership of two PHIRST evaluations focusing on community champions and researchers during COVID-19 in Southampton, and Green Health Partnerships in Scotland. Neil is also currently working with the the UCL hub of the NIHR-funded Policy Research Unit in Behavioural and Social Sciences, and is a former Treasurer and Trustee of the Behavioural Science and Public Health Network.
Employment (4)
Education and qualifications (1)
Professional activities (1)
Funding (6)
NIHR131573 and NIHR133206