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Heriberto Pfeiffer was born in Celaya Guanajuato, Mexico in 1971. He completed a BSc in chemistry at Universidad de Guanajuato in 1995. In 1997 he obtained a Masters degree in Chemistry at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa in collaboration with the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ, México).
Later, in 2001 he obtained his PhD in Chemistry under at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, working on the synthesis of lithium ceramics for the tritium production in colaboration to the ININ. Heriberto had two postdoctoral positions; at the University of Cambridge (UK) and Ecole Polytechnique de la Universite de Nantes (Fr). Then, in 2005, he got a permanent position at the Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales (IIM), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), where he has worked since then.
He works on different sorption and catalytic processes for energetic and environmental applications. His research has been focused on CO2, CO, NOx, etc capture and their possible catalytic conversion to added value products. Moreover, he works on other heterogeneous catalytic processes. Some examples of these catalytic reactions are; reforming of organic molecules, CO oxidation-chemisorption process as a possible syngas separation, NOx selective reduction, as well as H2 production. Additionally, he is interested in high temperature dense membranes for CO2 separation and in the biodiesel production using different basic heterogeneous catalysts. Finally, he works with lithium and sodium ceramics as possible cathode batteries.